UK Member Please Say HI

Now I don't know if there's something wrong
with it's crop it was ok yesterday morning
it was eating fine but now it's lethargic not eating and has a crop with like a golf ball sticking out I've put it other side and just given it water which it is drinking help please
I've only just got this GG :(

It sounds like it's crop has not emptied over night or has eaten loads this morning?
Is that big lump at the front it's crop? That in front of its face?
Having looked closer at the pic that seems too high for the crop, do you think it could be some kind of tumour or cyst?

I've just read back on your first post about it could have been attacked, a puncture wound could have caused infection and this could be the result of infection building up. I'm not totally convinced on it being a boy, the tail looks rather hen like.
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It looks like a cockerel to me. You can see saddle and hackle feathers and look at the thickness of those shanks!

Someone posted in the emergency section in the last few days about a similar swelling. It was on the left as this one appears to be rather than the right where their crop would be. The suggestion was that it could be an air sac, where there had been damage to the lung probably from a dog/fox bite to it's back and air was leaking into a pocket under the skin. If it feels like that is what it may be, the advice was to sterilise the area and a very sharp knife or maybe a large bore surgical needle and puncture it. Not to go very deep, only about 1/4 inch and that the result would be immediate and obvious. There is no risk to organs at that depth. I would feel it first to see if it feels hard like a tumour or more like a balloon full of air or fluid. Kim is right that it could be fluid/pus as a result of infection but either way it needs to be released, and if it's a tumour he's goosed anyway, so brace yourself and go for it.

Might be worth giving him a thorough inspection all over before you start to see if you can find any other wounds under his feathers that need cleaning and treating.

Good luck, I can imagine that it will be pretty daunting, but you will feel really proud of yourself if you manage to fix him. Apparently, if it is an air sac, (or an infection for that matter) it's best to give the area a good irrigation with something like Chlorohexidine (Hibiscrub) and leave it open to drain.

Let us know how you get on..... probably best if you have someone to help you and to give moral support... I know I would probably need it.

Good luck


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