UK Member Please Say HI

Well... Today has been ok. I was honestly quite relieved to see her alive this morning. She's eaten some yoghurt & pellet mix, she's had some Epsom salt water and has drank some acv water. She still quite floppy, and went to sleep early tonight, but during her active moments she's slightly more active than yesterday. I'm hoping she's feeling better rather than being more desperate to find something I'm not giving her.

Thank you all for your help, it's good to have your support.
My O/H has been working in South London today, he said they've had lovely blue skies...v.jealous, here it's been dry but grey and humid all day, rain only began about an hour ago so I guess I'm not doing too bad. The hen is walking fine, eating and drinking (now) and preening, it was just last night when she was doing her best "Exorcist" impression that she frightened me and I had to twist her neck to get her to the food and water. I'm glad she doesn't look to bad to you...I'll keep you informed. Supervet on tv now so after I've locked up the ducks, I'm going to indulge myself!

The weather seems to be split across the country at the moment. Still been 19c here today and yesterday it was 27c!! Something better forecast for tomorrow they say. I've just been out too to lock up, glad it's a bit darker so the neighbours don't see me out in the dressing gown and boots :D
The "Exorcist impression" describes it very well and it's very alarming when you have not seen it before.
Darts on here so think I will put supervet to record on plus 1 :thumbsup

Well... Today has been ok. I was honestly quite relieved to see her alive this morning. She's eaten some yoghurt & pellet mix, she's had some Epsom salt water and has drank some acv water. She still quite floppy, and went to sleep early tonight, but during her active moments she's slightly more active than yesterday. I'm hoping she's feeling better rather than being more desperate to find something I'm not giving her.

Thank you all for your help, it's good to have your support.

Your most welcome and it all sounds encouraging for today. :fl she stays on this track and it's just a blip.
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Well... Today has been ok. I was honestly quite relieved to see her alive this morning. She's eaten some yoghurt & pellet mix, she's had some Epsom salt water and has drank some acv water. She still quite floppy, and went to sleep early tonight, but during her active moments she's slightly more active than yesterday. I'm hoping she's feeling better rather than being more desperate to find something I'm not giving her.

Thank you all for your help, it's good to have your support.

Good news @timon at least she is wanting to eat...that's half the battle. Keep us informed, I'm sure she'll pick up soon :fl
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The weather seems to be split across the country at the moment. Still been 19c here today and yesterday it was 27c!! Something better forecast for tomorrow they say. I've just been out too to lock up, glad it's a bit darker so the neighbours don't see me out in the dressing gown and boots :D
The "Exorcist impression" describes it very well and it's very alarming when you have not seen it before.
Darts on here so think I will put supervet to record on plus 1 :thumbsup
Your most welcome and it all sounds encouraging for today. :fl she stays on this track and it's just a blip.

Ooooh...glad you've +1'd was a good one!!
Well... Today has been ok. I was honestly quite relieved to see her alive this morning. I'm hoping she's feeling better rather than being more desperate to find something I'm not giving her.
Patience, love and a kind heart are 3 things she's never had before and now she has them in spades. You're doing a fantastic job :) Fingers crossed she recovers, keep us updated x
& the thread Sam!

Lovely birds you have there, do you just have the two? Love their names!
Thanks, yes just the two at the moment but our coop is big enough to take 2 more so hoping to add a couple more hens in the near future. Likely more Seramas - I don't want these two getting bullied by larger breeds.
Hi there Sam...I'm not close to London (I'm in The Midlands), but welcome to the site (and thread), your Serama's look gorgeous. I have a mixed flock but mostly large fowl, with 5 silkies popped in there but they manage to hold their own somehow, so a chuck that size would not fair well here...though the chicks seem to survive well enough. Enjoy the discussions will pick up endless tips and hints and the advice is amazing Sasha x
Thanks, yes I wondered about the free pass that chicks get amidst the big breeds - I guess with chicks there's a chance they might grow up to be bigger, so they're nicer to them just in case? I may be conferring too much forward planning on them at this point. It could be as simple as it's not socially acceptable to hit children, or that little chicks have a big mum fighting their corner whereas little breeds are on their own.
I am SO mad today. Those of you who have read my intro thread know about my neighbour. Lovely woman. No sense of responsibility. She sent her son around to speak to my mum. He can't be more than 7. Note, she didn't send him to speak to me or come round and talk to me herself. She obviously thought she would test the waters. They're hot. Friggin boiling. So I ended up with her cockerel because she was chasing him round with a cricket bat terrified of him. Yesterday she sent her kid round to ask if she could have HER cockerel back to use as a stud, then send him back to me. Now 1. If I am looking after HER cockerel then where is his food and board? I'm not a ruddy kennel. 2. If he is her cockerel she can pay me back for the vets bill for when he broke one of my hens wings and chased her into the pond! Not to mention the countless items of clothing he has kicked his way through
She couldn't handle 1 cockerel, what good is she going to be when she ends up with 60% of her brood being male... Rant over. I appreciate some of you do breed here, but my guess is that you are responsible about it. Unfortunately she isn't. Maybe if I tell her I had him spayed. Can you get a cockerel spayed?
I am SO mad today.  Those of you who have read my intro thread know about my neighbour.  Lovely woman.  No sense of responsibility.  She sent her son around to speak to my mum.  He can't be more than 7.  Note, she didn't send him to speak to me or come round and talk to me herself.  She obviously thought she would test the waters.  They're hot.  Friggin boiling.  So I ended up with her cockerel because she was chasing him round with a cricket bat terrified of him.  Yesterday she sent her kid round to ask if she could have HER cockerel back to use as a stud, then send him back to me.  Now 1.  If I am looking after HER cockerel then where is his food and board?  I'm not a ruddy kennel.  2.  If he is her cockerel she can pay me back for the vets bill for when he broke one of my hens wings and chased her into the pond!  Not to mention the countless items of clothing he has kicked his way through :he   She couldn't handle 1 cockerel, what good is she going to be when she ends up with 60% of her brood being male...  Rant over.  I appreciate some of you do breed here, but my guess is that you are responsible about it.  Unfortunately she isn't.  Maybe if I tell her I had him spayed.  Can you get a cockerel spayed?

Oh dear me! You can have a cockerel neutered from what I've read, not sure on the effectiveness, i think it may be chemical castration. Unfortunately if you've taken the boy on, your neighbour may assume you're responsible for any bills...Different ball game, but I've had major problems with my neighbours (if you can be bothered...check my earlier rants on this post a month or so back), so I hear what your saying. I just found it simpler to keep the peace in the end and now we've reached an amicable comprise. Bloody neighbours....really hard work. Good luck with it....haven't read your intro thread but will now xx
Sounds like you should give her cockerel back to her and not let her use you as a free hotel service.... My limited experience is that looking after boys is far more complicated than people realise it is.

On other news... My new rescue girl was looking much better today. Far brighter and a little less 'floppy'. She ventured out of the box I've had her in where previously she's not even tried to climb out of it. I've not even had to put a lid on it as she didn't try/wasn't able to get out.

I'm hoping I can put her back with the others tomorrow so she doesn't miss out on everyone getting to know each other. I've still banished my cockerel, so hopefully she shouldn't be pestered.

Thank you again everyone for all your advice. Would you let her back in with the others, or keep her separate still? (It's been 3 days)

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