UK Member Please Say HI

Hi there,
I'm Sam, a keeper of a (presently) tiny brood of silky Seramas here in London, looking to meet like-minded UK chicken people. Here is a fairly recent pic of my cockerel and hen. Frankie is the blonde, his chest has filled out a bit since this was taken. Faux Pas is the darker of the two, she's slightly bigger now but otherwise the same shape.
Good morning @Yorkshirecoop, well she's been ok overnight and has gone out with the flock this morning as she was throwing herself up the isolation cage to get out...I was worried she'd do more damage! She can still eat and has had a drink, the neck is a touch better, not so "stargazing". I've ordered a small bottle of liquid selenium which I hope will arrive really soon. I don't have the Prednisone you mentioned, if you think it's worth a try, I'll be tempted to have a little off you if you don't mind. I def didn't see any definite trauma to the head but if it's that soft up there then there is a chance the naughty cockerel has damaged it accidentally. Many thanks again for all your help xx
How's she been today? Any worse any better? Let me know if you want to try the pred, you can PM your address and I will send you some :D
@timon How's your lady this morning?
I was wondering the same, hope she is ok @timon?
Hi there, I'm Sam, a keeper of a (presently) tiny brood of silky Seramas here in London, looking to meet like-minded UK chicken people. Here is a fairly recent pic of my cockerel and hen. Frankie is the blonde, his chest has filled out a bit since this was taken. Faux Pas is the darker of the two, she's slightly bigger now but otherwise the same shape.
:welcome & the thread Sam! Lovely birds you have there, do you just have the two? Love their names!
Hi there, I'm Sam, a keeper of a (presently) tiny brood of silky Seramas here in London, looking to meet like-minded UK chicken people. Here is a fairly recent pic of my cockerel and hen. Frankie is the blonde, his chest has filled out a bit since this was taken. Faux Pas is the darker of the two, she's slightly bigger now but otherwise the same shape.
Hi there Sam...I'm not close to London (I'm in The Midlands), but welcome to the site (and thread), your Serama's look gorgeous. I have a mixed flock but mostly large fowl, with 5 silkies popped in there but they manage to hold their own somehow, so a chuck that size would not fair well here...though the chicks seem to survive well enough. Enjoy the discussions will pick up endless tips and hints and the advice is amazing Sasha x

She's been out all day, I've def seen her eat & drink but her head is still slightly cocked...not as bad as last night but still wrong. I've given her tuna & scrambled egg which she woofed down! Selenium on its way. How do I PM you re the Prednisone? Never done that before!! Sasha x
That's great :D If she is not too bad and just has the head to the side I would hold off on the pred for now but I will send you some just incase. I will send you a PM (private message) then you can just reply to it. You can send a PM by going into profiles and look for send private message for that member.

Here are some threads on pred if you do need to use it ~
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That's great :D If she is not too bad and just has the head to the side I would hold off on the pred for now but I will send you some just incase. I will send you a PM (private message) then you can just reply to it. You can send a PM by going into profiles and look for send private message for that member.

Here are some threads on pred if you do need to use it ~

Many thanks...piccies to follow to do the night duties the rain :(

Please excuse the lame picture but as she's in her little isolation cage in the coop (incase she falls off the perches), I thought I'd take a quick pic of her 2 minutes ago. You'll see the head angle...although the flash on my phone did take her by surprise a bit!!!:


I'll get one of her out and about tomorrow, well, at least I'll try!
Your most welcome Sasha :D

Rain here too :( Been at it most of the day and everywhere is just wet and miserable!

Not a lame pic and I see what you mean about the tilt to the head. If she is not flapping around, going backwards and is able to stand on her own I would say it's not too bad. Have you seen a bird with a full blown case of wry neck?
Your most welcome Sasha :D

Rain here too :( Been at it most of the day and everywhere is just wet and miserable!

Not a lame pic and I see what you mean about the tilt to the head. If she is not flapping around, going backwards and is able to stand on her own I would say it's not too bad. Have you seen a bird with a full blown case of wry neck?

My O/H has been working in South London today, he said they've had lovely blue skies...v.jealous, here it's been dry but grey and humid all day, rain only began about an hour ago so I guess I'm not doing too bad. The hen is walking fine, eating and drinking (now) and preening, it was just last night when she was doing her best "Exorcist" impression that she frightened me and I had to twist her neck to get her to the food and water. I'm glad she doesn't look to bad to you...I'll keep you informed. Supervet on tv now so after I've locked up the ducks, I'm going to indulge myself!

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