UK Member Please Say HI

I can't help you with the Neosporin. It's not something I've used.
It's 3% Iodine, the carrier being ethyl alcohol.
You can get small bottles of higher strength Iodine on the internet.

For pain.
I used this in Spain for many years. It works and the chickens seem to actually like the taste of it.

There are vets that will prescribe antibiotics without seeing the patient. It will still cost you a consultation fee though; I've been quoted £50.00.
There are fish antibiotics that can be used. I haven't had to go that route yet.
I'll be honest and write that I rang up the doctor, said I had a sore throat and got prescribed amoxicillin over the phone. When it comes to a toss up between being honest with a doctor and possibly a chickens life, I didn't struggle long with the morality aspect.
Hi. I've managed to get some amoxicillin. Can you help me with dosage please @Shadrach? I've got 500mg tablets xxx
Hi. I've managed to get some amoxicillin. Can you help me with dosage please @Shadrach? I've got 500mg tablets xxx
I'm not at all happy doing this. Prescribing antibiotics and recommending dosages should be done by a vet.
If drugs haven't been prescribed by a vet and the drug has been aquired by other means then the reality should be you are on your own regarding risk and dosage. The internet and/or vetinary handbooks will provide dosages if one searches for them. The search funtion here on BYC will also give you the information you are after.

However, an average dose (dosesages can vary depending on what type of infection one is trying to combat) is 125mg per kilo of live bird weight twice a day for 7 days.
If you have capsules at 500mg then empty the capsule on a clean sheet of paper and divide into 4 with a credit card or similar.
I'm not at all happy doing this. Prescribing antibiotics and recommending dosages should be done by a vet.
If drugs haven't been prescribed by a vet and the drug has been aquired by other means then the reality should be you are on your own regarding risk and dosage. The internet and/or vetinary handbooks will provide dosages if one searches for them. The search funtion here on BYC will also give you the information you are after.

However, an average dose (dosesages can vary depending on what type of infection one is trying to combat) is 125mg per kilo of live bird weight twice a day for 7 days.
If you have capsules at 500mg then empty the capsule on a clean sheet of paper and divide into 4 with a credit card or similar.
Sincerest apologies. I only ask because you had said you obtained them yourself. I wouldn't want anyone to do anything the aren't happy and comfortable with xxx
Sincerest apologies. I only ask because you had said you obtained them yourself. I wouldn't want anyone to do anything the aren't happy and comfortable with xxx
Apologies not necessary. It's one of my "sensitive" subjects.:)
One can read all sorts of nonsense on the internet. When it comes to medication and matters that may affect the health and life of other creatures the people who give the advice, well intentioned or not, accurate or not, do not have to deal with the consequences should they get it wrong.
Hope everyone is doing well? Long time no see I’m afraid for me ☹️ Glad that cold spell is on its way out! Crikey it’s been hard work working outside of late!! 🥶


It has been a bit chilly but we are South east England so we missed out on all the snow and the worst of the negative temperatures much to my children's disappointment!

How have you been?
Hi Kathy :frow I’m doing ok thanks and hope you are too? Yes I’ve still got Harry horse. I retired him from ridden work earlier in the year and made the big decision to move yards after 18 years, it was quite scary for both of us! But he’s happy and settled now with his best pal Bran who came with us. He’s up at my friends parents in their field that has a shelter and stable so they can be turned out 24/7. So much better for their arthritis being able to move about as they wish. They also have 3 sheep living with them and Harry is in love with Mr Sheep! In return I’ve got their little coloured traditional cob down at the new place with my friend and her traditional. Going from a TB to a very steady one eyed cob pony is a big shock! China is great though even with just one eye. Great to hack out in traffic, will go anywhere and do anything. We even went to the cross country course!
Son is doing ok too. Busy working and all grown up now. 21 at the end of this month so I’m feeling a bit of empty nest syndrome and redundant in that respect.


It has been a bit chilly but we are South east England so we missed out on all the snow and the worst of the negative temperatures much to my children's disappointment!

How have you been?
Ive been frozen this week :lol: thankfully we’ve not had snow in our part of yorkshire! But the ice has been terrible. As fast as I’ve been breaking ice in field buckets and changing chicken and ferret water has it been freezing up again. Buckets breaking due to cold pipes bursting even the loo at my afternoon job froze up! Had to bring the tortoise in to out of the garage as he was at risk of freezing to death during hibernation so he’s now going to have be over wintered along with the small one that had to come in because of weight loss. Good job the other half is very understanding as I’ve got both in the utility room taking up all the work top:lol:

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