UK Member Please Say HI

Hi everyone, does anyone know of anywhere in the uk I can buy walking harnesses with the diaper bit for my two ducks please? Thank you.

:frow welcome to the thread!

I'm afraid I can't be of help, I'm not a duck person. Sorry. You may have to get from over seas, many will post from over seas.

Do you just keep ducks?
:frow welcome to the thread!

I'm afraid I can't be of help, I'm not a duck person. Sorry. You may have to get from over seas, many will post from over seas.

Do you just keep ducks?

Hiya thanks for the reply, I used to keep chickens as a kid but yes it's just ducks now..... Well at the moment anyway lol
Hi Kim

Don't know how you notice these things! I didn't know I was even approaching 1000 posts, but of course I saw it once you pointed it out.

Well the ride was today and I'm absolutely shattered, but sadly I didn't do it on MeMe as she went lame Sat and it's looking like an abscess. I'm hoping the farrier will find time to pop in tomorrow because she is pretty sore. Thankfully it's a hind hoof so she can at least rest it up. Ian very kindly loaned me Archie who carried me over every jump I pointed him at and we even did a double which took a bit of bottle when they are solid fences!! There will be photos on DLT photography later today or tomorrow. Will try to post a link later if they are not too embarrassing!
Spent all day yesterday building and dressing the jumps and when I got home, someone's dog had had been in my garden and had one of my chickens. I followed the trail of feathers down the lane and into the playing field at the end near the river but couldn't find the bird. A fox would have taken it into cover and the lane and playing field are a regular with dog walkers, so I'm pretty sure it was a dog. I've had to keep them in all day today with me being out and they are not happy!

Good to hear you have a home for those cockerels although I can't imagine what someone would want with them if not to eat them. Frances was a little better yesterday so maybe the yoghurt is starting to have an effect. I always put a drop of ACV in their water although they do have access to other water/muddy puddles etc when they free range. Frances has a little yoghurt pot of water in the corner of her nest with it in.... I'm a big fan of ACV and I'm using quite a lot of rainwater instead of tap water these days which I think is beneficial.
Hatch date is looming for my pekins and one of the hens that laid them has just gone broody now, but I'm thinking of giving her some of my pure welsummer eggs as they have slightly thin shells, so a Pekin might be a better option to incubate them than a large fowl broody. I'm also thinking of setting some of the light sussex eggs as I'm hoping they will produce sex links with the males being reasonably chunky like your black tails.

I'm not a competitive person so the show would not be my thing either. My horses have embarrassed me on both occasions I have taken then to one, but I find it hard to believe that your Harry would be anything other than a gentleman. I hope you have managed to get out on him this afternoon when the weather was brighter although perhaps you have had fine weather all day.

Wishing you well for tomorrow. Let me know how it goes.

Take care

Barbara .

Hi and welcome from me too although I'm afraid I can't help either regarding your query but would suggest Amazon, as it seems you can buy anything on there!
What breed of ducks do you have? I assume they are house ducks if you are wanting nappies for them? Or do you live in and urban area and want to walk them like a dog. I always think that must be such a risk when there are so many dogs out there, even dogs on leads can pull away from owners when they see something worth going for and I imagine a duck on a lead waddling along would be enough to tempt quite a few dogs!

Good luck anyway.



Hi and welcome from me too although I'm afraid I can't help either regarding your query but would suggest Amazon, as it seems you can buy anything on there!
What breed of ducks do you have? I assume they are house ducks if you are wanting nappies for them? Or do you live in and urban area and want to walk them like a dog. I always think that must be such a risk when there are so many dogs out there, even dogs on leads can pull away from owners when they see something worth going for and I imagine a duck on a lead waddling along would be enough to tempt quite a few dogs!

Good luck anyway.



Hiya and thank you for your reply, I have Aylesbury ducks and yes they are house ducks,

I do walk them or did until they outgrew their makeshift harnesses but I live in a small village and they are loved by all the villagers,

thankfully the only dog that doesn't get kept in when I'm out with the ducks is a farm dog who just likes to try and herd them but they don't mind him x
@deedee28 hi
love um this may sound strange but for the harness I've used my daughter's rabbit
harness as for the diaper side of things I've never seen anything like that before the harness fits my runner ducks very well

Hi everyone else did I say that I bought a kaki chambell duck I think I did

My little Aiyla is sleeping on me now but she so pretty

She is beutiful and growing so fast! :love What a smile :D

Did you hear that sonic boom on Monday night! Goodness I thought we were under attack or it was a serious explosion!! House shook and we were out in the street when the second one happened, could actually feel it go through you. We have Drax power station and a chemical factory near us, thought it was one of them going up :/

Is everyone settled now bird wise? Hope so, have a fab day today :D

Hi Barbara :frow

Archie to the rescue!!

Sounds like you had a fab time and jumping too!! I'm too much of a whimp and Harry thinks he has to jump 10 feet over a foot fence! Never his forte in life even when racing. They gave him a whirl over the sticks but his legs and brain did not work in sync. Still the same now ;)
I had a look on DLT web site but could not see anything from Monday so maybe not posted them yet?
How's MeMe, did the farrier get out to you?

That's all pants a dog taking a bird and then you having to keep them in. You would have thought a responsible owner would have come and said something if their dog came back with a bird.

I got those cockerels dropped off yesterday, yes she is a bit crazy!! She thinks she is rescuing them and keeps them on a massive allotment as a great big batchelor group. All a bit odd but she seems to like them :/

I candled the eggs last night and there are quite a few I'm insure of. Think all the orpingtons are clear and 2/4 Pekin look clear too. Most of the blacktails look good though. Going to recheck them on day 14 so we will see.

Didn't do the show with Harry but may have a go at the next one. I put him out while I mucked out but when all the boxes and horses arrived he started going wild so got him back him!! Next one is at the end of May so he should look better then. Right now his coat is inbetween, still got winter coat on half his head and saddle patch. Summer coat coming good on the clipped areas. Bit of a patch work quilt really.

Fingers crossed for your hatch that's imminent :fl

Still no news so going to ring if nothing comes through post today. This waiting is doing my head in :barnie I need to know!!

Have a fab day today :D

Kim xx

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