UK Member Please Say HI


Hi and welcome. Plenty of Yorkshire folk on this thread but always nice to have another one!

What type of poultry do you have? Tell us a bit more about yourself and your interests and please feel free to share any photos you think we might like.... poultry or otherwise. We all like to see photos.... even shocking ones of peoples poor birds in moult, like Sasha just posted...poor things!

Look forward to getting to know you better.

Best wishes

Hello, up to now I have 2 Wyandotte girls (Clara and Clarabell) a Peking bantam Clarissa and a day old silkie bantam (sweet pea) the only baby to hatch from my last lot, but who is doing very well up to now. I am a complete animal lover.. along with the chickens I have 2 dogs and 2 pet rats. Fairly new to keeping a flock in the garden but having grown up on a farm I missed them terribly so we decided to go ahead and get the girls last year. Looking forwards to sharing my experiences with them on here.
@Yorkshire Coop

Hi Kim

Most concerned to hear about Harry. I'm pleased you got the vet sooner rather than later and they are investigating. Cushings is a worry. I had Cora tested for it a few years ago and whilst she didn't test positive, she has indications that it may be early stages. At the time her problem was that she wouldn't stop lactating even though it was years since she had a foal and she kept getting mastitis. Apparently a side effect of the Cushings (and Parkinson's in people) drug Pergolide, is to stop lactation. In view of her age(20yrs) and the test result being borderline, the vet was more comfortable about prescribing it, but unfortunately she continued to lactate even with the medication...Arggh..Broody mares and broody hens.... they are frustrating sometimes!

I wasn't aware that Harry has a heart murmur. That must be a real worry to start with without his current unwell condition. I hope they are able to pinpoint the problem and treat it effectively and it's not the dreaded Cushings. I always worry about Rascal having it because he has such a woolly coat but it's probably just because he has woolly mammoth somewhere in his distant bloodline.
My sister came over yesterday and we got all 3 out for a ride. I had groomed all 3 and trimmed Reb and MeMe's back feet before she got here and then we tacked up MeMe and I walked whilst Jo rode her and I walked. She would trot off ahead of me and then come back past me and go well out of sight the other way and then come back again. MeMe must have done 10x the distance I did and she was good as gold apart from being a little too keen.... think steam train with a full head of steam! Not sure if I told you but she was lame last weekend and I found an old shoe nail stuck in her sole/frog that took quite some pulling out. I've been monitoring for heat/lameness ever since but it looks like I've got away with it as she was totally sound yesterday.
When we got back to the yard, Rascal had rolled in the filth in the yard and was dripping mud.... it was obviously a "dirty protest" at having been left behind...Arrgh! We managed to get enough of it off to get a saddle on and Jo rode him in her western saddle and I rode Reb.....I cannot say they were equally well behaved! This was more rocket fuelled with a faulty turbo boost than steady steam power. Not very controllable and very unpredictable. Thankfully we didn't crash land but there were a few hairy moments. We have a routine now of stopping on the way home for a bite of grass on a playing field at the back of the village as a treat, because they are not getting any turnout now that the ground is wet. Both happily started munching and then Rascal suddenly crumpled for a roll with Jo still on his back. She didn't have a whip to make him get back up so she just had to jump out of the saddle and try to drag him back up. It's laughable now but I fully expected him to trash her beautiful saddle at the time. Thankfully he didn't try to go right over and she managed to get him back up quite quickly, so it wasn't damaged. Treat time ended at that point though and we headed back to the yard.

As regards my hatch, it was a disaster. Only 3 out of the 9 were viable. They were pipped on Sunday afternoon but surprisingly Tasha got off the nest for a short broody break. I was worried about humidity and I actually poured some warm water into the nest....I use sawdust and straw, so it happily absorbs and retains moisture.... just before she got back on. At 9pm one was zipped but not making any progress and, heart in mouth, I decided to intervene. I peeled back enough shell and membrane that it could break out without completely removing it, but left the other two. Next morning it was out and dry but the other two had failed to break out of the membrane and were dead. I'm not sure if it was down to Tasha leaving the nest at that vital time or that they were quite young pullet eggs and the chicks were just not strong enough. The one that has hatched is very small, but then they were small pullet eggs. Anyway I have a single blue copper marans chick but I'm not sure that it will make it. It's running around with her and seems strong enough at the moment but doesn't seem to eat much when she offers it food. Time will tell. I'm just a bit gutted I didn't peel the other two when I intervened with hatching that one.

Egg production is still almost non-existent and I have a huge number of cockerels to process!

Sorry to hear that your part time job is proving challenging. I must confess that I am one of those people who has a very poor house name sign, so I have put it on my list of things to do.... it's an extremely long list unfortunately and well behind cockerel processing. Talking of parcel delivery, I've just taken delivery of a pair of Caldene Bramham Wellies and really happy with them. Cost a ridiculous amount of money for a "welly" or "country boot" as they are titled but they are very comfortable, warm and very stylish and since it's not even winter and I'm already sick of having cold wet feet, I decided to treat myself. It's nice to have something smart for a change rather than just practical, but the main reason I got these was that they are neoprene tops and zipped but with a fully integrated tongue so still completely waterproof but much easier to get on and off than normal Hunter wellies which are really tight on my legs. These look like posh riding boots because they have leather trim and buckles but all the benefits of a completely waterproof welly. Lets just hope I don't stand on a thorn and puncture them!

Think that is all my news. Keeping fingers and toes crossed that Harry is quickly and easily fixed and tests for Cushings come back negative.

Sending lots of love to you both

@Rudies Roost

Hi Sasha

Your poor girls! Is this the equivalent of celebrities posting selfies (supposedly) without make up! It's certainly not very flattering in this case and I really think you should have waited until they have their new feathers, so that you could at least post the before and after photos side by side for comparison, so that we could admire how gorgeous they look as well as laughing at their miserable moulting state.

Really sorry to hear you've had another Marek's victim. I too have another one which is quite a surprise as she is a 2 year old exchequer leghorn. She is holding her own within the flock with a bit of help but down on one hock and tripping over that foot. I haven't seen this bird lame or sick before and at just over 2 years I would have expected her to be out of the danger zone for Marek's. I initially assumed it must be an injury because of her age but I'm pretty sure now that it is the disease from the way she is moving and lack of improvement. It really is an awful disease. Just when you think you are over it, it rears it's ugly head again.

Anyway, I hope your girls are soon resplendent in their new finery and our sniggers at their unfortunate patchy nakedness are a distant memory......until next year!

Also, really pleased to hear that your daughter has settled into her new school so well. That must be real peace of mind for you.

Best wishes


Interesting choice of names!! seems like there may be some story behind them all being Clar's apart from Sweet Pea of course? Love the photo but sad that it is the only one to hatch. Have you considered getting it a small cuddly toy and a mirror in the brooder for comfort/companionship or is it perhaps being broody reared?

I haven't tried wyandottes YET, although I seem to have most other breeds or crosses thereof. The pekins are cute and amazingly good egg layers when they aren't broody or moulting..... OK... so there are a few weeks in the year when they lay an egg a day like leghorns or sexlinks. At least you don't have a cockerel, so you won't end up over run with the little things as I am.... unless of course, Sweet Pea becomes Sweet Pete! Silkie/Pekin crosses are incredibly cute too.

Quite surprised that someone who grew up on a farm would have pet rats, when most farmers spend time and money trying to eradicate them! I understand they make good pets but so do a lot of other creatures, so they just wouldn't be my first choice. I had chickens about 12 years ago but they got wiped out by a fox. I have really missed them ever since and just got back into it 3 years ago. Unfortunately this time I am suffering from the opposite situation....chicken maths has struck.... and I am steadily becoming over run with them! Surely there is a happy medium!! Not complaining really because I do love them....I just need to be more disciplined with my broody hens!

Anyway, I must head out and get some more work done whilst there is still daylight.



Hi and welcome. Plenty of Yorkshire folk on this thread but always nice to have another one!

What type of poultry do you have? Tell us a bit more about yourself and your interests and please feel free to share any photos you think we might like.... poultry or otherwise. We all like to see photos.... even shocking ones of peoples poor birds in moult, like Sasha just posted...poor things!

Look forward to getting to know you better.

Best wishes


I was thinking of getting him/her a little toy so it's not lonely non of the girls seem broody atall at the moment so I'm not even sure how I'd go about that! I'm pretty heart broken about my last hatch everything was peachy up to day 21 then 3 of them just stopped moving... temp etc was all good! Ahh the wyandottes are lovely Clara is defiantly the most confident out of the bunch and is very friendly more so than my Peking! Although not wonderful egg layers I do tend to get one a day from the pair they must alternate, yes I'm praying sweet pea remains a pea but never the less will be loved just as much if she turns out to be a Pete! We fell on the girls by accident to be honest I'd been looking into it for a long time end by chance we found them at an auction... on their way to becoming Mrs chans chicken chow mane dish! So it was complete luck I just happens to be there to save them
Anyway they seem to all be doing well I free range them in the day as I work from home so their under supervision and love digging up the garden (what little I have left) ohhhh Peking cross silkie sounds beautiful! The rats are actually very sweet little things their externally social and love human interaction! Not everyone's cup of tea given that but they are excellent little boys pretty lazy and like to curl up and sleep on my lap!
@Rudies Roost

Hi Sasha

Your poor girls! Is this the equivalent of celebrities posting selfies (supposedly) without make up! It's certainly not very flattering in this case and I really think you should have waited until they have their new feathers, so that you could at least post the before and after photos side by side for comparison, so that we could admire how gorgeous they look as well as laughing at their miserable moulting state.

Really sorry to hear you've had another Marek's victim. I too have another one which is quite a surprise as she is a 2 year old exchequer leghorn. She is holding her own within the flock with a bit of help but down on one hock and tripping over that foot. I haven't seen this bird lame or sick before and at just over 2 years I would have expected her to be out of the danger zone for Marek's. I initially assumed it must be an injury because of her age but I'm pretty sure now that it is the disease from the way she is moving and lack of improvement. It really is an awful disease. Just when you think you are over it, it rears it's ugly head again. 

Anyway, I hope your girls are soon resplendent in their new finery and our sniggers at their unfortunate patchy nakedness are a distant memory......until next year!

Also, really pleased to hear that your daughter has settled into her new school so well. That must be real peace of mind for you.

Best wishes


Ha ha!! I will post "after" pics of them when they're back to their finest!!

Exactly the same with my Marans hen....went down on 1 hock...I assumed injury. Took her to the vet who said probably Mareks as she could find no sign of injury or inflammation of the leg or that it could be kidney disease. Apparently the sciatic nerve is very close to the kidneys in chickens and if swollen can cause them to drop a leg. As I've battled Mareks before, I was pretty certain that's what it was. Anyway, I was going to give her till Monday then PTS if no change but she died just over 24 hours later. I'm glad it wasn't long and drawn out...she was eating and drinking well but gave that up 12 hours before she passed so not much wasting like the last hen fortunately.

Sorry your hatch turned out not so well...may be a blessing? Goid luck with the cockerel processing, I don't envy you at all.

I'm thrilled my daughter has settled in to school, think I was more worried than she was! Half term next week...I'm looking after my neighbour's little boy (5) on Monday again ....ALL DAY!!!! Arrgghh!! Forgotten what to to with a youngster!
Hi. I'm a new member and am in North Yorks. 'Yorkshire Coop' suggested I introduced myself here (had posted on New members section). Have just taken on 4 ex battery hens last week...Lost my last girl couple of weeks ago at 8 and a half. Love seeing them experiencing things for the 1st time
Hi. I'm a new member and am in North Yorks. 'Yorkshire Coop' suggested I introduced myself here (had posted on New members section). Have just taken on 4 ex battery hens last week...Lost my last girl couple of weeks ago at 8 and a half. Love seeing them experiencing things for the 1st time

Gosh you can tell
I'm new to this lol.... hi I'm also new! Awww 8 and a half bless!!!!! Have you named your new girls x
Last edited:
Hi. I'm a new member and am in North Yorks. 'Yorkshire Coop' suggested I introduced myself here (had posted on New members section). Have just taken on 4 ex battery hens last week...Lost my last girl couple of weeks ago at 8 and a half. Love seeing them experiencing things for the 1st time

Welcome to the thread. It's a valuable resource that you'll refer to regularly. The advice I've received has been superb. 8.5 years is excellent, I'm struggling to get mine beyond 3 years so whatever you are doing must be right. Good luck with your ex-bats and good on you for re-goming them xx

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