UK Member Please Say HI

Oh nooooooooo please this is ridiculous why is it being extended when nothing more has happened??????

I think another flock in Wales got it on the 3rd Jan

We're thinking about converting the garage....
Hi there, Im Claire. I live in Lancs at the moment - but moving to the Lakes soon. I have 13 chickens, including 2 OEGs, 1 wyandotte, 3 leghorns, 5 Pekins and 2 Pekin cockrels. They vary in tameness (how do you tame leghorns?!)
Hi Claire

Pleased you found your way across to this thread. How tame are you wanting the leghorns to be? They will most likely never be lap pets. The best I think you can aim for is to eat out of your hand. Mine love apples, so if I cut an apple in half and hunker down and hold it out, they are there like a shot to demolish it. Mostly they are food orientated but they will never be tame like pekins. They also hate confinement and the more they are contained, the less tame they will be, in my experience.


Not flying at people would be a bonus! The grey one is fairly chilled... but the two black ones are insane. The only time I can get anywhere near them (other than being flown at) is at night. It's odd - they've all had the same level of human contact and we'vr had all of ours from chicks, bar two.
Quote: Ah! That's not pleasant! Do they just do it in a confined area or even when they are out. They are quite dominant birds so it may be that they are trying to dominate you or it could just be they are frustrated at being confined. Interestingly my exchequers are worse that my black leghorns although the blacks are part crosses so maybe that makes a difference, even though they look like full leghorns. Interesting that you have a grey. I didn't know they came in that colour.
I was really enthusiastic about getting my lavender pekins but having bred a whole load of them, I'm keen for more colour variation now. I'm also mixing a bit of silkie breeding into them from a silkie/pekin hen I have, but I got 4 out of 5 cockerels from that hatch

I've just ordered a 6m x 3m poly tunnel off ebay to give some of mine some room to play since the restrictions have been extended to the end of Feb. It's going to be a long winter!
Hi there, Im Claire. I live in Lancs at the moment - but moving to the Lakes soon. I have 13 chickens, including 2 OEGs, 1 wyandotte, 3 leghorns, 5 Pekins and 2 Pekin cockrels. They vary in tameness (how do you tame leghorns?!)

Hi :welcome & the thread!

I've not had leghorns so can't be of help but Barbara has left you some fab advice.

I've just ordered a 6m x 3m poly tunnel off ebay to give some of mine some room to play since the restrictions have been extended to the end of Feb. It's going to be a long winter!

Will you be growing in it after the birds are finished with it Barbara? The soil should be very fertile!

I feel like the winter has been long enough already, I thought about spring today:D I really can't wait :pop
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@Yorkshire Coop

Hi Kim

Yes if I can find enough time in the day!...I am more of a veggie gardener than a flower gardener, so I will try to put it to good use. It should arrive in a couple of days, so looking forward to getting it up and in use. The end of Feb seems like a lifetime away!
Don't veggies do well in the tunnels? If it were me I would be filling it with peas :drool I can eat those until they come out of my ears! Thankfully we have quite a few farmers that grow peas around here :D

Scott and Charlie do the crop protection against pigeons on some of the farmers fields so I know exactly where they will be grown this year :p
Don't veggies do well in the tunnels? If it were me I would be filling it with peas
I can eat those until they come out of my ears! Thankfully we have quite a few farmers that grow peas around here

Scott and Charlie do the crop protection against pigeons on some of the farmers fields so I know exactly where they will be grown this year

Peas are my least favourite veg ha ha. My chickens are spinach and tomato freaks so that's my goal. Am lso going to try sweetcorn.

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