UK Member Please Say HI

I've done well out of my poultry this year (for once)
Sold loads of Indian Game Chicks day old, in batches of 20 @ £5 each. also hatching eggs.
I've bred my Cuckoo Marans but building up stock, the same with my Wyndotte bantams and trying to sort out fertility.
Also have a hybrid meat bird breeding program going, which also make excellent layers all year round.

Most are incy hatched but I do like to hatch a few under Broodies.
Let one of them out with her chicks this morning, here are a few pics for you.

Was a bit wet but they were just pleased to be out.

She has 2 Blue Laced Wyndottes, 2 Buff Laced wyndottes, 1 Gold Laced wyndottes and 2 Indian Game.
we are on north notts south york border. a little village called Langold. 11 (ish) miles south of doncaster and 5 miles north of worksop.
Hello everyone,
just a quick note to introduce ourselves. I am Nick and my wife is Liz. We have been chicken shepherds just over a year. Although my dad has been keeping poultry since he was 13. and hes 78 now. So I'm hoping some of his expertise has rubbed off. Liz became interested in Chickens when I took her to see some of my dads newly hatched chicks. one look and she was smitten. So after a two year wait on the allotment waiting list our own chicken keeping journey began. we started with half a dozen rescue Ex battery hens. We obviously lost a few and gained a few via other allotment holders, Liz went to help at a British hens welfare trust re-homing session and came home with another 10. but the inevatable sickness and deaths Liz decided to move away from Ex batties and keep pure breeds. we still have the ex-battie flock but decided not to replace them any after natural losses. Liz then went to see a lady she met who wanted to give up chicken keeping to consentrate on horses, and had a mealflur ( that may not be spelt right) for sale anyway she came home with about eighteen pikin bantams and another friend gave her what she was told were two more mealflur (?) chicks, one has grown into a beautiful cockrel called Elvis. the other one grew into what can only be described as a cross between a legbar and a T.rex. So We now have a sucsessful ex battie heard of chickens, whos eggs we sell the monies buy the food to feed them all, Liz hopes to start showing some of the pikins especiallyElvis.We also have a small flock of polish ( Pompom heads) that we intend to breed and show. and are in theprocess of gathering some selected legbars in order tobegin a breeding programe hoping to produce somebeatiful Buff and Gold legbars.

I'm down the a46 from you-just outside Melton.

Well, out of 12 runner eggs 11 have made it to lockdown! If all goes well and all hatch this will be my best hatch yet! Fingers crossed :fl

Oooh - well done. 2.5 days to go ;)
Hey UK peeps, had someone point me in the direction of this thread so figured i'd stop in and say Hi.

Nice to see a few local's hopefully might run into you at Melton f&f auctions.

Have just rejoined the fold yesterday with a box of 10 mixed chooks (actually had 11 in the box), if anyone sold a box of 10 yesterday at Melton f&f and had any idea of what they were would love to be filled in. I'm sure of a few cuckoo marans and naked necks, maybe a legbar, failing that in a few days once they settle in i'll get some pics up in the identify forums and see what we have.
Hi all :frow

Haven't been on here for about 6 months or so, looking forward to catching up.

How's everyone's season gone?

:frow Pretty quiet here really but all ok. Did some goslings which were super different to chickens, stressful but so cute once they hatched. Also have done some pheasant which are just growing out before going down to the farm to be released. Sounds like you have had a good season :)

It really is addictive ! But I'm loving it.

Quick question: what does everyone else do with their chicks? I'm planning the usual friends egg sales, and have more demand than I can keep up with currently...
Hobby, pets, showing, ... meals :oops:?
What do you all do with yours?

I sell some, keep some and any boys that don't find new homes are culled before going out as fox bait. Polish don't really have enough meat on them to warrant growing on for a meal.

Well, out of 12 runner eggs 11 have made it to lockdown! If all goes well and all hatch this will be my best hatch yet! Fingers crossed :fl

Good luck :fl

Hey UK peeps, had someone point me in the direction of this thread so figured i'd stop in and say Hi.

Nice to see a few local's hopefully might run into you at Melton f&f auctions.

Have just rejoined the fold yesterday with a box of 10 mixed chooks (actually had 11 in the box), if anyone sold a box of 10 yesterday at Melton f&f and had any idea of what they were would love to be filled in. I'm sure of a few cuckoo marans and naked necks, maybe a legbar, failing that in a few days once they settle in i'll get some pics up in the identify forums and see what we have.

Hi welcome to BYC and the thread! Sounds like a good mixed box you got there! Did you keep chickens before these ones?
Sounds like a good mixed box you got there! Did you keep chickens before these ones?

Yeah I even think one might be a Welsummer. Certainly a mixed lot. I really had my eye on a box of Cuckoo Marans chicks, but I wasn't prepared to keep bidding after they hit double figures.

We haven't had chooks for just over a decade, we lived with a badger set in the garden for a long time and didn't want to risk a flock with badgers running loose in the yard. When we did last have hens we had, silkies, peakins, araucanas, and legbar/silkie crosses.
Hello all

I'm J from Huddersfield in West Yorkshire, UK. I am new to all this, and here to learn. I want to raise a few hens for eggs towards the end of my garden. :)
:frow Pretty quiet here really but all ok. Did some goslings which were super different to chickens, stressful but so cute once they hatched. Also have done some pheasant which are just growing out before going down to the farm to be released. Sounds like you have had a good season :)

Sounds exciting about the geese, what's your plans for them?

I don't suppose the Pheasants are white? I'm looking for a dozen that's all.

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