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Aww maybe time to go outside soon then! They grow so fast. Well one of the ducklings that tried hatching came out with no eyes and a underbite which was really shocking! Maran chicks are amazing mine are big fluff balls look at the size of them compared to the duckling :lau

They've started their feathers, so perhaps an English summer will be kind enough to let them outside ...

Currently they're inside so I'm hopeful without heat they'll be just fine - 5 degrees a week puts them between 20-25 degrees recommended this coming week. Would anyone advise keeping them under heat at 3/4 weeks if they're indoors? I've read a bit, but would be happy to hear from your experience.

Yes mine are English Cuckoo Marans.
The only reason I'm buying in eggs is for a new cockerel, so it's a risky business :fl
The guy breeds for big breed standard birds which I like, as well as dark eggs and his strain is half related to mine so should make for a better match.

This is the colour of mine only a few weeks ago before the colour started to drop off.

They're a great colour !
Black copper Marans seem to be the trend according to melton Mowbray fur&feather sales... I'm going to keep looking out for the right breed / right timing.

Nightmare morning, let the chicks, ducklings and button quail out and two button quail flew off! I don't mean flew off a little bit I mean flew off into the sky :eek: I don't think I'll be able to find them as I seen them fly into the distance never to be seen again. I'm hoping they will fly into someone's garden and they'll return them but that'll be a miracle..

I thought quail couldn't fly !
If they land at mine I'll drop them back to you, but I'm in Leicestershire ... which direction did they go?
Hi All, :frow
I'm from Sutton Coldfield in the West Mids and have 3 chicks. I think they're Rhode Island Red variety.
Looking forward to sharing my journey with you all and getting loads of help along the way!

Hi Katie! Welcome to the thread and BYC :frow
How old are your chicks?

Nightmare morning, let the chicks, ducklings and button quail out and two button quail flew off! I don't mean flew off a little bit I mean flew off into the sky :eek: I don't think I'll be able to find them as I seen them fly into the distance never to be seen again. I'm hoping they will fly into someone's garden and they'll return them but that'll be a miracle..

Oh no! They sure are quick and not easy to catch like chickens. Did you head off in the direction they went? They may have been calling for each other which would have been a possible indicator of where they had got to. Are you on Facebook? That's always a good place to post especially on your village/town page for lost animals.

Hi, I'm new too

Hi & welcome :frow

Do you keep chickens or any other birds at the moment?
Yes on Facebook I posted photos of them but no luck yet. I think they are gone for good :eek: I knew they could fly but not as well as they did. I checked gardens and knocked on doors in my area. They're going to a new home on Friday what a nightmare
You never know, someone may spot them :fl

They sure do fly good! When we moved the pheasant a couple got out into the garden. They flew good but didn't manage to get over the fence. Had to catch them with the fishing landing net which was interesting :barnie
Hi everyone I've just come across this thread......I am from North East Derbyshire......I have a lovely flock of mixed banty's that I inherited after I had to let my friend have my old flock due to familycommitments of parent care!:old


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You never know, someone may spot them :fl

They sure do fly good! When we moved the pheasant a couple got out into the garden. They flew good but didn't manage to get over the fence. Had to catch them with the fishing landing net which was interesting :barnie
I'm hoping so but they are so small I'd say the size of a mouse :fl they sure do like to worry us don't they! I'm not letting the others out today I can't risk anymore flying off. My ducks can fly quite high but they've never flew off because they are spoilt here so they don't like to be to far away from the back door waiting for mother duck (me) to come out :lau
They're a great colour !
Black copper Marans seem to be the trend according to melton Mowbray fur&feather sales... I'm going to keep looking out for the right breed / right timing.

Thanks I've had the same strain for about 10 years.
Always had Cuckoo's, looked at Coppers but it's the feathery legs that put me off a bit.
Maybe one day.

Thinking of another project next year.
Possibly Blue Cuckoo's :fl
When do chickens start laying? I'm newish to keeping chickens and ducks my polish are coming up to 4 months and the same with my miniature appleyards. I'm excited for the first egg from my girls :love
Light breeds can start at five months ( some four) heavy breeds can take months. I think I read an old rule somewhere that if hatched after April they ( pure breeds not hybrids) are likely to wait to lay till spring ( unless you started lighting the run but this can shorten overall laying life, hatched before May lay in same year. However I may have this wrong as been a long time:) appleyards are likely to wait till spring
Light breeds can start at five months ( some four) heavy breeds can take months. I think I read an old rule somewhere that if hatched after April they ( pure breeds not hybrids) are likely to wait to lay till spring ( unless you started lighting the run but this can shorten overall laying life, hatched before May lay in same year. However I may have this wrong as been a long time:) appleyards are likely to wait till spring
Thankyou! I was just worrying I was doing something wrong. They are free range birds well free range in the garden. I guess I'll continue to buy my eggs :lau

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