UK Member Please Say HI

@Yorkshire Coop
Hi Kim

Afraid I don't deserve any flags. I rode out with my sister once last week and that was it. Horses were very lack lustre and actually went on strike at one point when we went past a place that we sometimes turn back at. Both stopped in their tracks and refused point blank to go any further.....I'm afraid the tickling stick had to come out of retirement, although even that did not help much. I even got off and lead her for a while. No problem once we turned for home though! Flies were horrendous on the way back.... literally swarms of them around us, even with fly repellent on. And Rascal had an extremely loose shoe that we were lucky to still have on when we got back. Overall, it was not a pleasant experience. I can sympathise with your friend who rode out with you on her coloured cob. Not fun when you have to keep nagging them to go forward. As of yesterday, they have new shoes though and Steph is coming tomorrow and we will take Rebel and MeMe out. Hopefully Rebel will keep us going forward better than Rascal. I can't remember him ever being nappy, so hopefully it will be a better ride at least in that respect.

Think I've had one more fox attack since my last post. I am so paranoid, I woke up at 2.30 am this morning convinced that I had not locked the Marans up properly. I tried to rationalise it, but in the end I had to get up and go to check. Of course I was up at Ian's house and the Maran's are down here at my place, so it was a car journey to check ,and sure enough they were safely fastened in....Arrgh!

Pleased your girls have settled their differences and you have a happy flock again. I have eventually managed to break the two broodies in my main laying flock, only to have all 4 pekins that I have left go broody, within a week of each other. :barnie

We are going to see Kynren this Friday, so looking forward to that. Just hope the weather is kind as it is an open air performance. And.... did I tell you we are going to have a side saddle lesson.....something I have always fancied, but never had the opportunity. We are going up to a riding school in South Ayrshire for it....a girly day out :ya Very excited about that!

I think that is all my news. Hope you have a good week and perhaps get out on Harry again at the weekend.

Best wishes


Hi Barbara :)

Sounds like a difficult ride you had there, hope it all goes better tomorrow :fl I've not made it out this week and do not think I will have time either. Everyone has gone down to equifest from the yard so I'm in charge of all who are still at home. Most are turned out though which has made it easier but all that rain we had yesterday made things a real pain. I got the ones in I could manage yesterday T time but the mares and foals had to stay out, no way could I manage 2 mares and their foals on my own. Everyone was pretty cold and wet once in as summer turnouts are no good in persistent rain! H was certainly glad to come in and get his fleece cooler on to warm up. I could have got under there with him!!

I get the paranoia about foxes :( I too wake in the night thinking I've heard one or the birds upset. And I totally get the questioning myself over things done or not. But if you had not checked and something happened it would have been awful. As they say "measure twice and cut once"

Oh yeah you said about the sidesaddle, I thought it was going to be soon :) I've not ever done it and to me it looks a little awkward but that maybe just because I'm odd :lol:
I hope it all goes well and get some pics!!!!

Have a fab time Barbara both with your lesson and the performance :highfive:

Kim xx
85% of eggs consumed in the UK are produced here but there is still that 15% that are not :rolleyes:

As always with these kind of "scandals" it escalates in size.
Same when the horse meat scandal broke :(
Hi everyone sorry I've been away for so long and I'm not sure how long this tablet will hold up for, but I wanted to ask if anyone has had problems with all this rain affecting their birds? I had a lovely little harliquin hen fall ill yesterday, fluffed up, sleepy, thirsty. Although when I sat and held her she seemed to perk up well. But this morning she was dead. No obvious signs of any illness, no missing feathers, could she of caught a chill?? She was laying well as well! I can't understand it. The coop is heated just with a seed propergater, but they would rather sleep outside. Who knows :(:)

So sorry you lost a duck.
It is extremely unlikely that a bit of wet weather caused her to die (there wouldn't be much hope for the duck population in the UK otherwise!) so there was almost certainly an underlying health issue. How recently had she laid an egg.... could she have been egg bound? If she perked up whilst you were holding her, it suggests she was struggling to maintain her body temperature, which points towards her being ill. Did she feel unusually fat or thin.... any unusual swelling. What was her poop like? What did her crop feel like? The only way to get more information that might assist you with any future ducks showing similar symptoms would be to open her up and see what you can find or send her off for a professional post mortem exam (necropsy).
Hoping that it is just an isolated incident and the rest of your flock continue to be happy and healthy.


85% of eggs consumed in the UK are produced here but there is still that 15% that are not :rolleyes:

As always with these kind of "scandals" it escalates in size.
Same when the horse meat scandal broke :(

15% of 36 million eggs a day is quite a lot to import still !!

Egg market size in 2016 (industry estimate)

UK Production
10,372 million eggs

2055 million eggs

135 million eggs

Total UK Consumption
12,591 million eggs

UK self-sufficiency 85%

Hi everyone sorry I've been away for so long and I'm not sure how long this tablet will hold up for, but I wanted to ask if anyone has had problems with all this rain affecting their birds? I had a lovely little harliquin hen fall ill yesterday, fluffed up, sleepy, thirsty. Although when I sat and held her she seemed to perk up well. But this morning she was dead. No obvious signs of any illness, no missing feathers, could she of caught a chill?? She was laying well as well! I can't understand it. The coop is heated just with a seed propergater, but they would rather sleep outside. Who knows :(:)

So sorry about your duck.
I don't know anything about ducks, but I imagine it was ill.
it's been cold & wet, but not as cold as winter time. My chickens are not enjoying the wet, but they're not looking like they'll die.... yet.
Thank you Barbara They're harliquin quail so v.small but I think there might be a problem as my little hen that died and another hen both had soft shell eggs yesterday. The more robust of the two has survived, she's still a bit fluffed up today but a lot more alert so I think she'll be alright. There have been some very strange things happening over the last two months,,,but anyway at least big brown momma is looking better. Shame to loose my tuxido harliquin though, she used to run to the door and eat out of your hand, before the others got a look in! Checked the tux when I found her, she wasn't egg bound. And big momma's egg is white today. Both soft shell eggs yesterday where white and almost pearlesant, very strange. Normally both light brown with speckles x thanks for your help x

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