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That's the thing with quails. They are prolific layers especially in the summer. At the height of my quails I only had 20ish and I had more eggs than I could use. So if you had 40...thats alot of eggs!!!!
Jemima isn't looking great today. She is lethargic and I had to carry her out the coop this morning. She's had a bit of sweetcorn. Her comb is looking brownish on the tops and breathing is raspy. She won't drink out the wateters so I put a bowl down for her. I hate having to go to work when this is going on. I feel so powerless.:( I really hope she pulls through. She's the last of my original hens.
Well I've just got home and let them all out into the run. Jemima came out bur stayed away from the others. So I got her and put her in the main garden (where there is grass!) and gave her some chopped boiled egg and she ate some and is wandering around the garden having a scratch about. My other hen lottie who has been under the weather came to join her! DSC_0628.JPG DSC_0635.JPG
Jemima and Lottie are both in beautiful condition by the looks of'd never know they were poorly girls. Hope they are both on the mend for you soon xxxx

And poor Bettie hasn't got it so bad either. She still has a perfectly nice home there, if a little on the small size (as needed, of course!)
I just hope it's not too cold for betty tonight. I'm hoping she will have snapped out of it by tomorrow. I really don't like putting her in there. All she wants is her own little fuzzballs!
I came home to find my girl, Morag, puddled in the nest box again. I took her out and put her on the grass, still 'broody shaped', as they do! With some gentle persuasion with my toe, she eventually joined the others for a forage and I shut her out of the coop for two hours but I think she'll be going into lock up at the weekend

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