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Interesting - I don't feed much corn as I worry it is empty calories, maybe I should give them a bit over winter.

Fresh Corn (corn on the cob) is like drugs to them!!! Mine go ridiculously crazy when they see I have corn for them, they climb and clamber over each other to get there first. They don't get it very often!
Fresh Corn (corn on the cob) is like drugs to them!!! Mine go ridiculously crazy when they see I have corn for them, they climb and clamber over each other to get there first. They don't get it very often!
It costs a bomb here which breaks my heart as we love corn on the cob and really cheap back home in Oz! No way would I get it for my chickens - we only et to eat it a few times a year!
Ever thought about growing some yourself? My late granddad used to grow a bit of corn, not as hard as it may seem :)
I did try I think last summer or the year before with mini corns. As a total novice gardener and new to our house I didn't realise where I planted them would get quite a lot of shade through the day so they did really badly. I will try again in a sunnier spot!!
I did try I think last summer or the year before with mini corns. As a total novice gardener and new to our house I didn't realise where I planted them would get quite a lot of shade through the day so they did really badly. I will try again in a sunnier spot!!
I know there are a lot of cornfields in southern germany and places like that. They are pretty tall things. It could be worth trying once more Poulechick. Maybe its something I might try too :D
Fresh corn is fantastic, and with your climate ought to do really well, @PouleChick.

I was given a poly earlier this year as new neighbours moved in and didn't want it. I'll also be making an adventure into gardening, though I have no idea what to grow nor entirely what to do other than compost, plant, water and hope.
Fresh corn is fantastic, and with your climate ought to do really well, @PouleChick.

I was given a poly earlier this year as new neighbours moved in and didn't want it. I'll also be making an adventure into gardening, though I have no idea what to grow nor entirely what to do other than compost, plant, water and hope.
Yes it should, I forgot I put it in the first year we were here as well but tbh I think I didn't water it enough! Will try again this year! We have a great poly tunnel - proper metal hoops and a door etc just still not got the plastic for it! Your no idea sounds just about zall you need to do - look forward to hearing how you get on! I have had great success starting seeds in winter (yep even now) in milk bottle mini greenhouses. I can give you more info if you are interested. Seeds are soooo much cheaper than plants but sometimes they don't work as they should and then I suck it up and buy plantlings!
Hello! Sorry not been about lately. We’ve had a few family crisis lately but it seems to be settling down a bit now.
I’m really missing sitting in the garden with my 4 bantams. It’s dark when I leave for work 3 days a week and when I get home then the other days I see them briefly when I feed them and clean them out but it’s pretty grim outside. Miss them sitting on my knee in the warm weather!
Sometimes they chase me to the back door like they’re desperate to come inside with me and I feel soooooo bad shutting the door. Little cuties!

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