UK Member Please Say HI

I'd have said egg bound initially but that looks like peritonitis. :(
Thanks. I guess I'm a bit unclear about the 2 - is peritonitis not caused by becoming egg bound, followed by perforation of the tract and then of course leaking into the abdominal cavity? So I guess what I'm saying is yes I suppose it is peritonitis but is the cause of that the being egg bound? or could it be from say vent prolapse, then perforation, then leaking into the cavity?
Thanks. I guess I'm a bit unclear about the 2 - is peritonitis not caused by becoming egg bound, followed by perforation of the tract and then of course leaking into the abdominal cavity? So I guess what I'm saying is yes I suppose it is peritonitis but is the cause of that the being egg bound? or could it be from say vent prolapse, then perforation, then leaking into the cavity?
They're two different things. Peritonitis is caused by the eggs missing the oviduct. It's quite early on in their system. They miss the oviduct and get deposited in the abdomen. It won't kill the hen immediately and can be something that happens over the course of weeks or months. She will keep laying and they keep going into the abdomen. A symptom of peritonitis is ascites or water belly. This is where the abdomen fill with fluid. Some people drain it and it will buy the hen some extra time but peritonitis will kill a hen. There is nothing that can be done to stop it or treat it. It is more common amongst high egg production hens.
Egg bound is when the egg gets stuck just before it gets layed. Normally it because a large egg has been produced like a double yolker or an egg in an egg(quite rare). Sometimes it is a little further back. In my hens case it was a normal size egg. If you imagine the oviduct as an S shape, the egg should follow that course. With mine the egg took a straight line and got stuck behind the oviduct wall which created a barrier preventing the egg from being layed. This then caused her poop Shute to become blocked and there was a build up inside her. Egg bound hens will die within 24-48hrs if your unsuccessful in freeing up the egg. Both are horrible, miserable things that cause the hen alot of distress. Peritonitis is fatal and in my experience egg bound is 50/50.
That looks a it cramped in there! How is she doing now? You should have a bunch of fluffs by now!

She's doing great, one more week to go so I'm getting everything ready. Keeping an eye on the weather in case I need to bring them in so I've got the dog crate ready. Managed to cobble together a cage for the moment.


Started at six eggs, one got cracked and leaked in the pile on and I've just pulled an early quitter so fingers crossed for the other four.
Sorry to hear about Matilda, @PouleChick. There's not much can be done about reproductive problems; @CCUK said it all, but very young, poor girl.

Lovely chicks @CCUK, Speckle will do well, I'm sure. Best of luck with your eggs too, @MSirrell91. Judy's 8 are due Monday, and she's sat tight.
Hi @Sneebsey. I guess Judy is just about on lock down! Speckles chicks are doing great! They're jumping all over her! I got two pigeon squabs just hatch today too! It's all happening!
Speckles chicks are doing great! They're jumping all over her! I got two pigeon squabs just hatch today too! It's all happening!
Awwww glad they are doing well - and wow pidgeons too!

Sorry to hear about Matilda, @PouleChick. There's not much can be done about reproductive problems; @CCUK said it all, but very young, poor girl.
Thank you.
9 from mine; turns out she had 10 eggs, not 8, though no idea if that was my doing or hers. Pleased, nonetheless.

I've been selling an awful lot of hatching eggs recently; seems spring is here, just not insofar as the weather is concerned. Anyone else seen floods? The detour I have been using due to a flood is now flooded too; delightful. :rolleyes:

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