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She’s in my downstairs loo. She can’t really walk even a step or two and she’s staggering. Won’t touch the water or yogurt. I’ve put a few bits of corn right under her face.
I’ll try the bath soon I feel like I’m overwhelming her and she needs to rest. She never liked being picked up very much.
I suspect that she may be sick, possibly with a reproductive disorder or something else, possibly even Mareks, but that is way too soon to think about. There are many possible organ problems, intestinal problems (coccidiosis, enteritis, worms) that can cause illness or failure to thrive.

I would check for a stuck egg by inserting a finger one inch inside her vent. Normal would feel like soft tissue. Since her comb is not red, I kind of doubt that she is eggbound, but good to rule it out.

Check her crop to see if it feels empty and flat, partly full, hard, or puffy like a balloon. A crop disorder could prevent food from being digested and absorbed. If you can post a picture of her usual droppings it would be good. Green color can be from not eating, and white urates in a large amount can be from dehydration or kidney problems.

If you have a vet familiar with chickens it can be helpful. In case of coccidiosis, a fecal test might be a good thing to get, or give some Harkers Coxoid to treat for possible coccidiosis. Make sure that she can reach her food and water.
Thank you. I’ve now posted under the disease and illness forum too. I’m so worried about stressing her out by prodding and poking if she’s about to die that would be an awful last day for her. But equally if I can save her that would be great.
This was her poop yesterday (the lumps are sunflower seeds she pooped on top of, the poop itself was just white) in the coop I noticed some pale green and white. I need to go and check her crop but I’ll let her rest a wee while. Vet friend is nearly here. If it’s not an egg or a crop problem should I put her out of her misery? I can’t bear to see her suffering.
So it turns out she was egg bound but quite high up. I couldn’t feel it but my vet friend could. Said we wouldn’t be likely to get it out and she was already so very poorly so we put her to sleep in my arms poor baby. So upset. :hit
So it turns out she was egg bound but quite high up. I couldn’t feel it but my vet friend could. Said we wouldn’t be likely to get it out and she was already so very poorly so we put her to sleep in my arms poor baby. So upset. :hit
I'm so sorry. :hugs It is awful when one of our beloved feathered freinds goes like this. You did all you could and you were there for her at the end. I lost one to being egg bound last year. I could feel the egg but nothing I did could shift it. When she died the bloody thing just fell out. :hit
I'm so sorry. :hugs It is awful when one of our beloved feathered freinds goes like this. You did all you could and you were there for her at the end. I lost one to being egg bound last year. I could feel the egg but nothing I did could shift it. When she died the bloody thing just fell out. :hit
Aw that’s sooooo sad!!!!!! Poor you! :(
I couldn’t feel the egg even after she died. I feel bad I didn’t try to get it out but she was so distressed and toppling over. I couldn’t bare to watch her suffering. I’m not sure I’m strong enough for chicken keeping!!
So it turns out she was egg bound but quite high up. I couldn’t feel it but my vet friend could. Said we wouldn’t be likely to get it out and she was already so very poorly so we put her to sleep in my arms poor baby. So upset. :hit
Oh sweetie I feel your pain :hugs:hugs:hugs:hugsso sorry you lost your girl but how amazing to have a vet friend to help you out and not have to wonder!
I’m not sure I’m strong enough for chicken keeping!!
I was pretty sad when I lost Matilda the other week - I think the first is always going to be the hardest :hugs
Thank you!
So strange just watching 3 of them pottering around the garden.
I guess this is all part of learning and building experience.
How are you all?
Share some happy chick stories with me :love

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