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Hi, nice to catch up on all your news! I've been a bit awol with my new job I started on the 1st, away for a couple of days for training then a chest infection that brewed a couple of weeks. I had sad news last week and lost 2 of my hens (my only Araucana and one of my silkies that I use to hatch eggs and she was the best one - ggrrrrr). The dog owner is going to pay to replace them so I need to get onto that. Bless her she was so upset and lovely I couldn't be cross. I choose to free range and know I need to get better fences in but they are soooo happy and it is our first predator loss in 16 months for them all living such a happy life! A calculated risk that I choose to take. I managed to slip a few of each eggs into a neighbours incubator although they'll be mutts!
Good news about the job @PouleChick. I'm sorry to hear about your chickens. It makes a pleasant change to hear that the dog owner was actually upset and offered to pay to replace them. A friend of mine lost 27 chickens and 5 ducks to a dog attack and the owner didn't give a damn. I hope your over your chest infection.
I got given a hen today! :ya My friend who breeds the araucanas had a black one with a crooked beak. She gave her to me because she can't breed from her and doesn't want blacks.

She fitted straight in with her new friend's!

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