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try googling POL (= point of lay) with your location then; if there is a breeder nearby with young pullets for sale, they should pop up on the first couple of pages of results.
Happy Easter everyone! Hope you get plenty of eggs!
Do you want them for eggs or pets or eggs and pets? Personally I'd go with commercial browns. They have a great temperament, plenty of personality and lots of eggs too.
More so pets although eggs would be a bonus. My daughter has seen a lavendar one she likes.
Hi :jumpy

I'm a complete beginner to raising chickens. Just hatched 4 plymouth rock chicks (they're only 3 days old). I may need help and advice from the experts, please look after me!
I'm from Oxfordshire.
I’m thinking about getting a couple more hens. Lost 2 of my £1 ex commercial hens the last few months so could do with a couple more layers. The lockdown has put a stop to any POL though so might go down the eggs & incubate route but not decided yet. My little polish who are 6 years old next month have done me proud again and started laying again, love those little birds! :love
hello @connieconnie ! welcome to BYC :frow
I've been thinking about getting some Plymouth Rocks, so I shall look forward to hearing how yours do!

I'm super pleased with them so far :love (they've all stolen my heart, they love to fall asleep in my hands)! Getting some black copper maran and also some cream legbar hatching eggs this week to grow the flock ❤ hopefully they'll all hatch

Is there any breeds you recommend?
I’m thinking about getting a couple more hens. Lost 2 of my £1 ex commercial hens the last few months so could do with a couple more layers. The lockdown has put a stop to any POL though so might go down the eggs & incubate route but not decided yet. My little polish who are 6 years old next month have done me proud again and started laying again, love those little birds! :love

Yeah, I definitely picked the wrong time to get chickens 😂 lockdown has made it super difficult to get anything! So I'm trying to hatch my own flock, but its super rewarding! :jumpy

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