UK Member Please Say HI

We have 11 Rhode Island Red x Light Sussex (Black tails) eggs currently on day 11 in the incubator at the minute. From the 12 we set 11 were fertile and developing on day 7. The one that wasnt had a slight chip in the shell. We removed and cracked and there was no bullseye anyway.
Yesterday out of many eggs, only one cream legbar boy hatched. He had curly toes from being malpositioned, so I gave him tape booties. He's very sweet, but very lonely (I've given him a mirror and play him chick sounds). [I'm ditching the incubator I used, as it must have not worked properly and have now got a brinsea]
Has anybody recently hatched some chicks near me?
I would like to find him a friend around the same age (preferably a cream legbar female chick).
Does anybody have some for sale or know of someone who might? I will drive to pick up, but the closer the better.
Many thanks, Connie
(p.s. i'm in Watlington, Oxfordshire )

This is the chick (we've named him Noodle)
that's disappointing; I think a lot of people have had such hatches this spring, for whatever reasons.
There seem to be lots of chicks for sale on ebay, if you want to try to source some companions for your little Noodle (love that name!).
that's disappointing; I think a lot of people have had such hatches this spring, for whatever reasons.
There seem to be lots of chicks for sale on ebay, if you want to try to source some companions for your little Noodle (love that name!).

Couldn't find any on ebay, only hatching eggs! All the chicks I found were really far away from me 😢
Are you on Facebook? There may be a poultry group near you that can help. Also if you can give noodle some vitamin b in his feed that will help. I love the name noodle!
Thank you, joined the cream legbar group and posted this, hopefully someone will have a chick for sale :fl

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