Um, who returns a half starved molting chicken? (update/more pictures)

Bless her little chicken heart. Poor thing. Give her some tasty treats.
Thanks- still don't have a clue who returned her... or why.

She's given an egg a day since I posted she was laying, she is also fertile but I don't know if it was one of my boys or someone else. *dum dum dum!*

I don't like her comb color yet but she stopped molting and is putting feather back on at an alarming rate.
you should hopefully be incubating the eggs, just for fun to try and tell if the babies come out half game hens. maybe someone with a fighting bird tried to use her to breed, but decided she was no use when she stopped laying and or wasnt broody? seems like children though...
See my sig-

It looked like she had been bred when she got back but every one of them were blank-

After three days she was fertilized by my boy as the criminal just tossed her back into the coop (w/o quarantine or anything...)

She's laid like a champ since then and her feathers are all pretty again.

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