Unabsorbed yolk sack HELP!!!!!

Im sorry I cant help much, all iv been told in the past is to keep him under a heat lamp of some sort in a cup with damp cloth- but thats with an unruptured sac and make sure he takes water. I wouldn't know what to do but just keep warm and offer water, wish I could help more sorry.
With clean damp hands gently push the yolk back into the stomach, be very very gentle. Stick a plaster over it to keep it in place. Job done!
Do not be tempted to pull off the plaster to see how it's doing, it'll be fine as long as the plaster is in place. Leave the plaster to naturally fall off in time, otherwise you could pull out fluff / feather or even skin along with the plaster. It'll take a week or more to fall off.
You'll never be able to tell anything was ever a mis.
Good luck:)
THis is gret information but none of mine lived out of the egg with this problem (it was sticking out of the abdomen)...I'm about to set more. What causes this? IT happened to three out of my four viable eggs. Am I not turning enough or am I keeping it too humid or not enough? I'm about tho set some pretty expensive eggs and don't want to screw it up

Thank you!!
i tried gently pushing it back into the chickens body however it was too big to fit through the hole. i didnt want to hurt the poor chick so i put it back into the incubator with the other chick who is tired since she just hatched. because of this i am not worried that the other chick will burst the yolk sack however with the chick walking about he is dragging the yolk sack on the floor with him. how can i possibly keep the small chick still so he doesnt burst his yolk sack and eventually absorb it. please help!! :fl:hit
Thank you
I know that all seasoned chicken people will disagree with me, but i had a little serama with a not completely absorbed yolk sac and i knew what would happen if it burst. I tied it off with unwaxed dental floss and clipped it. I applied betadine and that was 3 months ago. My little white serama is alive and well today. I am not saying this is the correct thing to do, only that is what I personally did. ( i used mini forceps and tied just below the forceps. Donna
For your advice. I will try the dental floss. Great idea!


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