Unbalanced Pullet

Do a forum search, typing in Vitamin K, there's the posts about it ... If you suspect poisoning, don't eat the eggs either. These are 2 replies on the Rat Poisoning issue ...

The only treatment i know of is Vitamin K1 for 30 days. Rat/mouse poisons work by preventing blood from clotting(blocks vitamin k1 in body)resulting in uncontrolled internal bleeding. Vitamin K1 is used to clot blood in the body.

Some symptoms in cats/dogs are: internal bleeding,lethargy,difficulty breathing,coughing,diarrhea(may or may not be blood),nose bleeds,bruising.

Symptoms may not show up from 3-5 days depending on which poison was used and how much was ingested.

The long acting poison(anticoagulants)is similar to blood thinners and not as strong as the one dose. For the eggs i would discard/throw away for the 30 days,only b/c i do not have any information on safety of eggs while taking vitamin K1 for rat poisoning antidote,or that they may have ingested rat poison,err on the side of safety. Possibly your vet would know this answer.


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