Unclear crop issue


Apr 29, 2020
NE Illinois
I've got a girl who seemed fine two days ago. Yesterday morning, she was seated in the run - I saw her drink a couple sips of water but she wouldn't eat anything. Not overly hunched, but tail at half staff - clearly not feeling the best.

Figure it's something to do with her crop - and I've gone back and forth between impacted and sour crop (esp from this article).

Brought her in to assess - her crop felt mushy, but all I could really feel in there was what I believe is some grit in the crop. She's our flappiest girl, so we were only able to get a very little bit of coconut oil into her. She started panting, and she also sort of burped a few times. The smell was unremarkable. But she's just acting like she simply is not hungry or thirsty.

Eventually, we returned her to her flock, all of whom were free ranging. Tried treats, offering water. Just uninterested. Spent some of the day resting, some of it walking around with everybody, tail up, sort of acting like she's pecking but not really eating anything she found. She looked like she was trying to get stones or hard matter, if anything. She put herself to bed on the early side.

Got her first thing this am, crop still exactly the same - feels like it's mostly - but not completely - full of air or water. We got more coconut oil in her this am (she's still fighting). And she just pooped (on a bathmat, so not much to show for a photo). It was mostly water, white urea, some dark green matter (guessing old grass), and what looks like a hard seed - size of a popcorn kernel.

I have some Monistat and am about to administer, thinking that this is most likely sour crop. I really cannot feel a mass of anything in there - but it is possible it's some long grass that is bunched up against the exit to the crop.

Just figured I'd pop over here to see if anyone had ideas that *aren't* coconut oil for potential impacted crop or the Monistat for sour crop.

I feel like at this point I've got to get some water in her more than anything else. Thanks for any advice you might have.

Edited to add: she's doing a lot of panting in the bathroom (though not outside yesterday and it was in the 90s). And she did lay her egg yesterday - went to the egg box.

We also definitely saw her drink water from the saucer of a potted plant the day before she presented with symptoms. As always, they prefer the grossest water possible. So she could have gotten some kind of algae or bacteria that way.
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Massaging their crop and I use olive oil-soaked tiny bread pieces. Worked for my one Silkie, I think she had grass stuck or something. Made her crop huge. Afterward she had a bit of pendulous crop but she lived to 11.
Alright - so an update already.

Definitely some sour crop happening - she's started burping some truly rank smells. I think she got backed up in the crop and it went sour. Got the monistat in her. We also finally got two good chunks of solidified coconut oil into her - and then she really wanted to eat it herself. First thing she's shown any interest in. Ate a very little bit of chicken feed a bit later.

We decided to put her out in the yard, as there are plenty of places she can snooze and feel safe with her flock.

Right as she went out, she finally pooped something that wasn't mostly water. I was excited! Until I realized there were cecal worms in it. I've never seen worms in my girls' poop before, but without question - wriggling, et al.

So my new question is (aside from: why is it always something?) is can/should I treat her (and the rest of the flock) with safeguard *while* we're dealing with the sour crop? Are they contributing to the problem?

Or should I wait until she's really eating and drinking on her own before I dose her? Just feels like there's already a lot going on in her crop.
I am not experienced in this what so ever so you should do more research but I think you should see if there are worms on the other chickens poop, and maybe separate her so it doesn’t spread. I don’t know if you should treat her while she has sour crop and as I said I’m not experienced I’m just trying to help.
Thanks. It seems like most birds have the cecal worms from what I've read, but I might be seeing more because there's not much else coming out of her. And I think the benefit of having her flockmates to watch her back while she sleeps outweighs the worm risk. (Also everyone is def getting wormed after this). She's sort of a weird flock outcast, but one of the girls is sitting with her now.

@Wyorp Rock I've been looking through a bunch of the threads where you weigh in on treatment for the everything I've got going on here.

I feel like my order of operations is:
1. Well get the bird feeling well enough to eat and drink on her own by,
2. Treating the sour crop
3. Once she's bopping about again, do the safeguard (I've got the 10% goat liquid).

I saw one of the threads saying that it's best to use the safeguard in empty crops... which is def not what I've got going on atm.
Wow. She really turned this around. Last night she was burping up some just fetid smell, puked a little, and I could feel there was still grit in her crop from the day before.

But earlier in the day, we'd gotten some good chunks of coconut oil in her. Actually, she did most of it. We pilled her with two of them, and then she gobbled some more down, as I mentioned above. Lots of massage, and we also started her on the monistat regimen.

I was really expecting to find a sicker (or dead) bird this morning. I was up half the night. But she hopped off the roost, crop seemingly normal, and threw a fit that I wanted to bring her in the house to check her out and give her medicine.

Wanted to give an update for folks because a) this appears to have had a happy ending - a lot of the messages on this particular forum frequently, of course, do not and b) if you are experiencing this, just keep working the crop. I was like, "man, I don't think this is working for her" all day yesterday, but it did. Hope it does for you, too.

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