Under-developed comb


8 Years
Mar 2, 2015
I have 2 Black Australorps and 2 Rhodies, all purchased together as 1 day old chicks 26 weeks ago. The Rhodies have been laying for 4-5 weeks now. The BAs are still to produce any eggs. From what I read on BYC that isn't too worrying, especially as it is still winter time. I am puzzled though as to why one of the BAs, Daisy, is so much less developed than any of her peers. She is not smaller in body size but she has small wattles and very little comb with very little color. Can anyone tell me if this is something to worry about?
She is just slower at reaching maturity.
Thanks for the response. I was hoping that would be it. I can't wait to have all the experience to not worry about so many little things with my girls.
Good point. I've not come across frost-bite yet but it sounds nasty and I' rather not see it!

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