Undigested grain in poo


In the Brooder
May 4, 2016
Edmonds, WA
I have a 16 week old Crested Cream Legbar pullet who is passing a lot of undigested grain in her poop. She has had a rough few weeks when I discovered she had worms. She has since been wormed and the entire flock is currently being treated for coccidia after finding bloody poo on the roost from a big gal. Since her worming she has improved greatly, and eats like a champ-clearly making up for being sick. My concern is she is passing so much grain that's she not getting proper nutrition. She has access to grit, both chick and adult. She free ranges much of the day. She acts very normal other than the miniature Paydays and Almond Rocas she's dropping. Any thoughts?
Hi, hope you are enjoying BYC! :frow

Undigested grain (some) is kind of normal though there may be something extra going on with her.

One way to combat it is by fermenting your feed which has all kinds of side benefits. Check out the link in my signature line for quick info and feel free to ask questions. My actual savings is about 10% from fermenting. But that can't account for the health benefits and I know for a fact that FF saved one individuals life who didn't drink a drop of water for about 3 weeks before I decided to cull.

Only 1 out of 9 type of cocci presents as blood in stool. It's important not to supplement vitamins during cocci treatment as it will defeat the purpose because, if using Corid it works by blocking thiamine and starving out the cocci to slow their growth. It does NOT kill them.

After you are done treating I might do a vitamin supplement including the B's since you also recently wormed. I personally never provide grit for my free ranging birds. Figure they get plenty on pasture.

Hope she feels better. :fl
Hi, hope you are enjoying BYC! :frow

Undigested grain (some) is kind of normal though there may be something extra going on with her.

One way to combat it is by fermenting your feed which has all kinds of side benefits. Check out the link in my signature line for quick info and feel free to ask questions. My actual savings is about 10% from fermenting. But that can't account for the health benefits and I know for a fact that FF saved one individuals life who didn't drink a drop of water for about 3 weeks before I decided to cull.

Only 1 out of 9 type of cocci presents as blood in stool. It's important not to supplement vitamins during cocci treatment as it will defeat the purpose because, if using Corid it works by blocking thiamine and starving out the cocci to slow their growth. It does NOT kill them.

After you are done treating I might do a vitamin supplement including the B's since you also recently wormed. I personally never provide grit for my free ranging birds. Figure they get plenty on pasture.

Hope she feels better. :fl

I am treating with Corid and am not supplementing vitamins at the moment. I definitely intend to do so once treatment is over.

I understand some amount of undigested grain in poop is normal. What she is excreting is not a normal amount. It's really excessive. That being said, every day she improves. Yesterday her poop was more formed than the day before. Maybe I just need to wait it out more.

Thanks for your input. I'd love to hear any other thoughts and suggestions you might have.
I am treating with Corid and am not supplementing vitamins at the moment. I definitely intend to do so once treatment is over.

I understand some amount of undigested grain in poop is normal. What she is excreting is not a normal amount. It's really excessive. That being said, every day she improves. Yesterday her poop was more formed than the day before. Maybe I just need to wait it out more.

Thanks for your input. I'd love to hear any other thoughts and suggestions you might have.

How did you cure your chicken?

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