Unending screaming from chick, Tried everything but no success


Jul 4, 2022
I have four little chicks I got from ChickensForBackyards, and they’re all doing wonderfully- except for one little red shouldered Yokohama, who is an avid fan of constantly screaming. They’re eating and drinking well, look healthy, alert, and are very active, and have been sleeping well, but at any point when they’re awake, they will stand in random locations in the brooder and yell so loud that I can hear them across the house. None of the other chicks exhibit this behavior, even when distressed.

Checked the brooder heat and everything is working well, tried giving treats, using a stuffed animal as a surrogate mum to cuddle up with, and giving arrow company by gently holding them, none of which worked. Any tips? Unfortunately, they’re getting to the point where it seems like they’re annoying the other chicks too, as they get picked on frequently and continue to screech even while that happens.
Can you post some photos of your brooder setup and the chick?
A video of the chick may help too, upload video to youtube and provide a link.

How old are the chicks - all the same age or is this little one younger?
Tell us the temperature of the brooder on the warm side and cool side.

Check to see if the chick has any pasting of the butt. Have you observed the chick eating and drinking on it's own?
I had a chick that did that and I couldn't figure out which one was making the racket or why... they would stop doing it when I entered the room. I finally just started checking vents and found one with pretty bad pasty butt that hadn't even been acting weird. Cleaned her up and the screaming stopped. I had one with an impacted crop too that looked fine and I didn't find the issue till I finally singled out the offending screecher and touched the crop.
This was only my first group of chicks but the biggest thing I have learned is that in the beginning, they don't make that sound for no reason, so when they do it you have to be a real detective till you find the issue (but then after a few weeks when they've been going for trips outside they start doing it all day long because they want to go outside again, hello high BP!!!).
Can you post some photos of your brooder setup and the chick?
A video of the chick may help too, upload video to youtube and provide a link.

How old are the chicks - all the same age or is this little one younger?
Tell us the temperature of the brooder on the warm side and cool side.

Check to see if the chick has any pasting of the butt. Have you observed the chick eating and drinking on it's own?
Photos coming up in a second, gotta get some good ones real quick! The chicken chicks are all about the same age, ~1 week old, and since the brooder has a brooding plate instead of a heat lamp, I can’t use the temperature gun to get the accurate temp. It’s hot, but not burning to the touch, and the ambient temp of the brooder outside of the plate is roughly mid 70s.

Arrow doesn’t have any butt pasting, only strange thing was that, a day ago, they had a string of poop that I needed to clean hanging off of their butt, but nothing else wonky that I’ve seen. It’s been eating and drinking on its own regularly which is good.
Some of my chicks have just wanted a cuddle 😅 Not sure why they didn’t want a fluff buddy to cuddle with, it had to be me. Needy little buggers lol
I wish arrow was like that lol, originally Winnie, the Turkey poult was like that, and she honestly still is, but that’s alright since I’m able to calm and comfort her with cuddles. Arrow hates being touched unfortunately, I’ve tried giving cuddles but the little guy gets all sorts of wigged out
I had a chick that did that and I couldn't figure out which one was making the racket or why... they would stop doing it when I entered the room. I finally just started checking vents and found one with pretty bad pasty butt that hadn't even been acting weird. Cleaned her up and the screaming stopped. I had one with an impacted crop too that looked fine and I didn't find the issue till I finally singled out the offending screecher and touched the crop.
This was only my first group of chicks but the biggest thing I have learned is that in the beginning, they don't make that sound for no reason, so when they do it you have to be a real detective till you find the issue (but then after a few weeks when they've been going for trips outside they start doing it all day long because they want to go outside again, hello high BP!!!).
How do you check if a chick has an impacted crop? I wonder if that’s why
Can you post some photos of your brooder setup and the chick?
A video of the chick may help too, upload video to youtube and provide a link.

How old are the chicks - all the same age or is this little one younger?
Tell us the temperature of the brooder on the warm side and cool side.

Check to see if the chick has any pasting of the butt. Have you observed the chick eating and drinking on it's own?
Pointing to arrow in the pic, ft a cameo from Louie and Millie lol. I currently have the lid on since Louie and Winnie are expert little escape artists, the sweet goobers + it’s dark since it’s early morning here.


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How do you check if a chick has an impacted crop? I wonder if that’s why
When I picked her up I noticed that instead of the firm lump that the other chicks had there was a huge hard grainy knot. I had introduced chick grit without realizing that they would totally gorge on it and she ate so much I could feel the pebbles through her skin. I took away the food overnight to see if her crop would empty and I was just being paranoid, but at 6 the next morning I was looking at how to do an olive oil massage!
Arrow doesn’t have any butt pasting, only strange thing was that, a day ago, they had a string of poop that I needed to clean hanging off of their butt, but nothing else wonky that I’ve seen. It’s been eating and drinking on its own regularly which is good.
She's tiny. Have you tried grinding up the food smaller for a week or so, so she can eat better?

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