unexpected chicks!

from Ohio
Looks like you're a natural - born chicken momma ! CONGRATS!
I got mine from MPC yesterday as well
They also called on Monday to say that they didn't have two of the chicks i had ordered - but I agreed on substitutions. All are doing well except for one of my EE's - she wants to peck the eyes off the yellow girls we have - so I had to separate her. My red lamp blew out just as I was leaving for work yesterday so need to get another on my way home. Hopefully that will help calm her down.

If it were me - I'd merge them in the brooder instead of dealing with adult integration later on.

Bad enough I'm going to have to do that myself with the group I just got - it's a pain in the neck - done it a few times - I've decided this time around I'm building a temporary run in my garage - and will move them outside in October when they are full grown. During nice weather I will still be able to let them out - and they won't be in my house in a temp area and I won't be needing to divide the coop in half which is a pain. I'll just move my temp run outside and put it next to the perm. run - and do the see/no touch for a week or so.

Anyway - they're really cute ! I have an austrolorp - she's really pretty. Had two EEs but lost one last year so only have one left. My order this time around is an andelusian, 2 EEs (one dark, one buff), SL Wyandotte, Buff Orp, and a Delaware. Had ordered a white cochin and a GLWyandotte, but..... that's OK. Can always get those next time

I'll be mixing that group with the chicks that have hatched yesterday and today. It was perfect timing - all will be within a few days of each other.

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