Unknown chicken problem!!!HELP URGENT

Can you get pictures of him?
Pictures of his poop might be helpful too.
What do you feed him, including all treats?
Could he have eaten anything poisonous or moldy?
Why did you give him ice water?
Would it be possible to get a short video of what he is doing, and upload it to YouTube or Vimeo with a link posted here? Is he having the abnormal neck movements often? Are you familiar with wry neck (torticolis,) a neurological symptom, or a chicken adjusting their crop by rolling their neck around to adjust or help move food in their crops?
Can you get pictures of him?
Pictures of his poop might be helpful too.
What do you feed him, including all treats?
Could he have eaten anything poisonous or moldy?
Why did you give him ice water?
Yes I can get pictures.I feed him tucker mill crumbles.I’m not sure of anything moldy or poisonous that he could’ve ate.I thought he got overheated so I figured Ice water would’ve been better to cool him off.
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Would it be possible to get a short video of what he is doing, and upload it to YouTube or Vimeo with a link posted here? Is he having the abnormal neck movements often? Are you familiar with wry neck (torticolis,) a neurological symptom, or a chicken adjusting their crop by rolling their neck around to adjust or help move food in their crops?
Yes I can,he’s not having them often.I tried giving him some nutridrench and he did it.Yes,I am familiar with wry neck.I was thinking he was adjusting his crop but it’s like he can’t control it.
I tried seeing if he would do it but he wouldn’t do it.I will see if I can find a video on YouTube of another chicken doing it and will add it!!
Here’s a video of a younger chick doing the same thing as him but mine was like yelling when he did it.He also was holding his head back longer than this chick did.

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