Unknown Death of my roo Russell Crow


In the Brooder
Apr 21, 2019
My rooster Russell Crow died quite suddenly early this morning. Yesterday evening, he seemed to be gasping for air, his comb & wattle almost purple and kept his eyes closed. He did sound like he had chest congestion. I noticed that he had been quiet over the past two days, but he seemed fine. I didn't notice him not eating or drinking, no diarrhea. I thought it could be aspergillosis since we had been having problems with a leaky roof, but I couldn't find any mold. I also thought it could be gapeworm. He died around 1:30 am and did a throat swab about 9 am, but didn't see any worms. There was some mucus. I have 7 hens who all seem to be healthy. Eating, drinking, no diarrhea, no trouble breathing. Could this have been congestive heart failure? Is that such a thing in chickens? Thanks in advance for any assistance. This is my first flock.
It sounds like heart issues compounded by a respiratory problem.
Thank you! It happened so suddenly and I've been researching chicken diseases with his symptoms. Hopefully I can rule out a contagious disease, but am keeping a close eye on the girls.

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