Unknown hen brooding in backyard.

Has she come back yet? They do get up to do things like eat and drink. If she doesn't come back the only thing you could really do is put the eggs in an incubator.
Sorry for the late reply. She came back like 2.5 hrs. later which concerned me for the eggs and her but thankfully she was ok. I have since got her hay to make her more comfortable and she immediately started accommodating herself with it. I don't know when the chicks will hatch but I can't wait to meet them.
Fantastic! Keep us updated. You must be somewhere warm this time of year for her to be brooding outside. Here it will get to -20 tonight.
Wow -20 is too cold for me. I grew up in NJ so I'm very familiar with the cold but now I live in the countryside of Colombia. They called it "the city of eternal spring" and the temperature never falls below 60 which is simply amazing for me.
So Lolipop doesn't have to worry about that. To my surprise my neighbors chickens sleep in the trees.
Lolipop flew the coop yesterday with the chicks. The final count was 7 baby chicks. For a few days now they've been out during the day in the yard and at night I'd enclose them.
As we learned she came from a neighbors flock, who was happy to give her to us but it looks like Lolipop wanted to reintegrate with the flock. The chickens usually come up and down the hill between houses so I hope she be visiting soon. :(
Thanks for asking.
Well, if they're happy to give her to you, you could always build a coop and get it ready for her and then move her in :) She'd learn to sleep in the new coop and live in your yard. Maybe they'd even give you a hen or two so she'd have friends till the chicks grew up.

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