unknown illness


10 Years
Jan 18, 2012
Summerville SC
My Mille Fleur d'Uccle Bantam hen (about 4 years old) who is usually frisky and active has become lethargic. She acts like she cannot see well. I'm keeping her up with food and water but wonder if there is something I can dose her with without knowing exactly what is wrong. Thanks for any advice.
OP, can you post a picture? Any other info you might have, even if you don't think it's pertinant?

@Eggcessive @Wyorp Rock
Any help?

I've brought her in for the night. Put her in a crate with a stuffed animal and a heating pad. I held her for several minutes exploring her body which does not seem frail. Although her keel is a little prominent she still has plump breast tissue. Other than her lethargy she seems unable to see well (but she flew about quite well when I tried to catch her). Her eyes seem "small" and her little comb is pale and flopped over. Is there any kind of general "tonic" I can offer her? I looked at meds TSC has available and it's mostly injectable antibiotics. I'll see if the ER vet in our town can do a fecal tomorrow.
Can you post any pictures of her eyes closeup? Have you seen any bubbles or foam in the eyes, or do the pupils appear cludy or different? If she cannot see well, you may want to offer her some food and water several times a day up to her beak. It can be helpful to make a wet mash of chicken feed and water, and offer some bits of scrambled egg. Have you ever heard any sneezing in the coop now or in the past? I would be tempted to keep her crate inside the coop with her flock, for company.

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