unpopular chicken opinions??

Unpopular opinion: Opossums are not so much predators as scavengers. They don't actively hunt and kill unless they absolutely have to.
I'm so happy opossums are enjoying a kind of renaissance right now with thousands of Instagram and TikTok accounts dedicated to these adorable (unpopular opinion), incredible, and strange creatures. But they absolutely will kill your chickens.

We've lost at least three to opossums over the years and they've also bitten other chickens while they slept. I've caught them in the act, so I know an opossum was doing this. Our coop is now as opossum and raccoon-proof as possible, although nearly every night I catch one trying to get in the coop. The opossums chew pieces of chickens and often bite off the head while raccoons like a more brutal approach, dragging chickens all over the yard and dismembering them.

We've had a cat problem recently and every single time I set a live trap, an opossum gets in it. Sigh. They are definitely scavengers, but they will also kill your chickens.
Y'know when opossums are terrifying? When they TAKE THE LID of your CHICKEN FEED and you find them stuck in the feed bin before you've had breakfast
Try storing open feed sacks in a galvanized trash can, with lid hooked down by rubber tree straps (use your coupon at Ace Hardware). Put an empty sack scrunched up in the bottom.
Edited to add, first don your thickest leather gloves, grab him by the tail, and drop him in a cardboard box for safe removal 😎
DISCLAIMER: Use blanketed humane box traps for raccoon 😱 or skunk 😤 removal
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Y'know when opossums are terrifying? When they TAKE THE LID of your CHICKEN FEED and you find them stuck in the feed bin before you've had breakfast
sister in law lived in a mobile home. Went into kitchen drawer to get a dish towel and stuck her hand onto mama possum who decided to nest there! must have gotten in by pipe under sink! I would have had a heart attack!

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