~Unwanted..Animal RP ~ Accepting!

Name: Sama

Age: 6

Breed: Tiger

Gender: F

Albino, Piebald, or melanistic or leucistic (reduced pigment): (Whats this?)

Personality: Quiet, tough, sweet, stubborn


Rank: Healer

History: Doesnt ever wanna talk about, and if she ever does, you must be pretty special to her

Fawns/foals/chicks etc: non

Family: Non...

Username: Chicken Tamer



Name: Zelda
Age: 5 years
Breed: mountain lion
Personality: Isn't happy often, likes to be alone but if she has someone with her she wants to get rid of that animal as soon as possible. But if she talks to you or tells you about her life then that means she really likes you.
Rank: Doesn't have one. Doesn't have a herd, pack, flock, etc.
History: She had a nice family until they were hunted down so as a baby she was left to starve until she found a mother that sadly died when Zelda turned 1 year old. She was never happy since and she looks for revenge of who killed her family.
Fawns/foals/chicks etc: None
Family: None
Username: DuckRaiser
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