Unwell Chicken- Help!


In the Brooder
Jan 2, 2021
Hi everyone -
We have a 2 yr old Isa Brown who is not well and has survived a fox attack. All of the other chickens were taken by a fox/es unfortunately.
There are no obvious injuries to her, she was found hiding, and has not moved much since the attack about 4 days ago. She will not eat, she refuses absolutely everything i've tried to give her and i've tried a lot of things this forum has suggested. She is drinkng after much encouragement but she mostly just sits and close her eyes. Her comb is still nice and red but fading the last day. She seems to be very unstable on her feet and falls over when trying to walk, she uses her wing to stablse herself so maybe she does have an injury but she doesn't make a fuss if you touch her or anything. She is not laying, and her poop has changed a lot it was dark greena nd smelly, and now is very yellow at times and is becomng watery as she is not eating only drinking ( i have put electrolytes in her water). Her crop seems to be so enlarged but she also doesn't let us touch her really so haven't been able to do much for that.. i don't know what to do. Neighbours and housemates are thinking of putting her down and i don't want to because i feel that she has improved over the last couple of days. It would be very strange if she had another problem such as with her crop that appeared at the same time as the fox attack? I took her outsde today and she tried walking around which she seemed to like but she was just stumbling around a lot. Any advice would be great. We are keeping her inside in a warm open box with some mushed up food and water..
To me it sounds like she is stressed, though maybe check the bottom of her feet and her legs, Unless you already have and in that case did it look normal?
Thanks for your reply.
Her feet and legs looks perfectly normal just when she goes to rest on her left one when shes walking she tips over a bit. But it looks okay.. so strange,
Poor baby! I don’t have much experience in this type of situation, but it sounds like she’s in shock 😢. I think most of what you are doing is good - keep her warm, in a dark quiet place. If you have Nutridrench, try giving her some of that (I had a sick two-week old chick this spring and was withholding food for a few days because every time she ate, her crop would swell up with gas like she had sour crop, so I was giving her Nutridrench to help her through).

Hopefully someone with more experience will see this post and have better advice. Good luck and hope your girl recovers! 💖
Please take a picture of her poop and her as she looks currently. It's 1am here on the east coast of the USA, so many of our amazing experts won't be on for a couple of hours. Have you checked her over really well, under her feathers, to check for injuries or possible bruising?
I have tried scrambled eggs but she wont eat them. I really tried for a long time spooning it to her! I'm sure she is weak by now.. Oooh interesting about the swelling of the crop due to gas.. i feel that that is what is happening because it is veery large! Yeah i don't have any nutridrench but will go to the shops tomorrow and see what they have for her. Okay will upload a photo of her. Her poop is liquidy yellow with dark black bits in it only a few cm long. And she does them fairly regularly but they are small.
This is what i mean about her crop.. really protruding..


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I'll go ahead and tag some of the experts. Hopefully they'll get the tags in the next few hours and will be able to give you some advice and suggestions. I wish you the best with her. I'm hoping she makes a full recovery but no matter what, I'm sure she knows you're doing everything you can to help her

@azygous @Wyorp Rock @Eggcessive @Overo Mare @JacinLarkwell

There are so many amazing folks here but I tagged a few.

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