UPDATE 3/24/10 mrs. red is making another nest.due to kindle 4/3-4/9.

its getting light out.im getting ready to head out there.hope for some babies.
Did you find anything??????????????????

When I was a kid, we had a few rabbits that we bred. One spring a couple of them got out of the cages (I think they ate through the wooden hutches or something) and we couldn't catch them. We gave up and just left them. They were thriving so we ended up letting the others out also. I think we had about 5 rabbits running around the yard. Do you know those things stuck around for a couple of years and slowly died off? as far as I know, only one died from an unnatural death. The rest did awesome.

I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures!
My mini lop wasn't good at making a nest free ranged so that the babies wouldn't die. In the cage she had 13 live,yep she had 13! but outside on our covered frount porch in the winter only a few, my mil when visiting would put the male with the female to "play" we would come home from camping and other vacations to a pregnant doe or babies! The doe is almost 6 now so no babies for her anymore:( I now have meat rabbits, don't know if I'll let them free range because they eat hay like crazt and I plan on haveing a garden
Looks like this rabbit is going to be a good mom, my lop didn't make a nest until they were born!
well everybody.i just went out and checked on her.no new babies yet.

i know i said i would get some more pictures but i went downstairs first to feed the dogs and i just went straight out there.sorry.

but i promise there will be pics next time i go out.

i shouldnt be worried that there isint any babies yet should i? she just started yesterday-building the nest,so i still have a few days until she starts plucking fur and all that...right?
new pics from about one hour ago:

red female eating grass under boat:

red female running through snow:

wild colored male following red female:

wild colored male under wild rose bush:

red female under wild rose bush:

red female watching me from other side of wild rose bush:

wild colored male watching me from other side of wild rose bush

wild colored male saw the female running up path so he started to follow:

red female and wild colored male running up the path to the coop:

red female and white male eating the rabbit food i threw out to them at the coop:

wild colored female(momma number 2) the expected mother to be:
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