UPDATE 3/24/10 mrs. red is making another nest.due to kindle 4/3-4/9.

My guess is that they had a commercail rabbitry all in their own cages and such. Commercail rabbitries tend to be huge. Those guys really know their stuff when it comes to keeping rabbits.
it will be the first thing i do in the morning.
ill be putting up some more pics in the morning.you can count on it.

im going to bed now so i can get up bright and early.ill be checking this for more replies in the morning.

so please post more.
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very cute pictures!!! your bunnies are soooo adorable!!! i wish you luck!!! i let my bunny free range in my bed room with my duckies! lol yay for bed room animals. everyone is happy. your bunny looks happy!! that's all that matters! keep up the good work on keeping your babies happy!!! i have a little dutch myself. she is such a sweetie! does yours lick your face?
I have enjoyed seeing pics of ducks and chickens in the snow...and now bunnies too!!! We never get snow over here so it a double treat for me to see so many pics of peoples animals - as well as them in the snow too. Your bunnies sharing ameal with the chicken is just such a gorgeous photo.

Fingers crossed for some babies soon too for you. Cant wait to see some more pics posted.

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