update: left neutral eggbid feedback

I have used the above listed sites myself many times with varying results...just last week I won an auction..paid with pay-pal...got the eggs in the mail...waited a couple of days...set the eggs...then received an email from pay-pal that I had a refund waiting...the seller had refunded my money because she had set some of the eggs and they looked like they might be clears...I told her to wait a few days before she sent the refund so I could candle mine...I told her I didn't want a refund for the eggs if they were viable...she insisted...I have the refund and the eggs...I intend to send her money back if even one of them hatches...
The moral of the story....READ their feedback...visit their store/website....buy from members of APA,ABA,BYC, ETC.....I like most of them value my reputation more than a couple of dollars.
But remember mistakes can happen, if they are honest mistakes I like to give the seller a chance....someday the shoe may be on the other foot...
That was the point I was trying to make too Monkey Mama!
The other guys seem a little harsh on this. Nothing personal to the buyer, but you your self stated that they had little or no feedback as a seller right ? Akane ,take that into consideration too now?
Well there is a little link on all auctions where you can ask the seller questions too! So ask, God knows I do, and if they cant answer to my likeing, I wont bid.
The more I thought about it,I still think, wherether or not the refund was acepted, it was offered, so.....What else can they do, they were a new seller, and all of us were learners at one point right. Now if future buyers report a continued problem. then the negatives and such should start because they are doing nothing to correct their problem, and then should be hit with the feedbacks. Anytime a seller trys to help you to a possitive out come, a negative or neutral is not diserved.
I personally take the time to read at least a number of the recent comments as they are the most reflective of a sellers current record too. We can all learn and change if given the chance.
Anyway, thats Aubrey's 2 cents
Yup, the sellers have to start somewhere. Hoping they educate themselves before selling eggs is a plus. Getting neutral feedbacks is a learning experience for these newbies. The ones that take pride in their work will appreciate the feedbacks to give themselves chance to do better.
Ok, so here is my question for you, Boggy and MM. I'm not asking to be contentious, I really would like to know your perspective.

Lets say you were going to be the next to buy eggs from this person and I had *not* left my feedback (say I left positive feedback instead). So all the feedback for this person has would be positive.

Would you want to know what happened with my transaction, or would you rather just not know? Would you wish I had left more accurate feedback if the packaging issue *isn't* resolved?

I am curious because you both read and use the feedback system to make purchasing decisions.

And FWIW, I am bidding again on eggs from someone who is new on EB. I hope it works out and I can leave them great feedback. Of course, that's everyone's preference - we are just sort of splitting hairs over our personal feelings about what constitutes a neutral vs. positive transaction.

Relics, it sounds like that was a very good seller. Really nice of them to contact you after realizing there might be a problem with the eggs.
I agree with the OP. She asked specifically for the eggs to be shipped express. She paid for express. They were NOT shipped express, and she said had she known that she wouldnt have ordered them. That in itself deserves a neutral whether she got the eggs in good shape or not. The seller simply did not supply what the buyer purchased. A full refund is fine, and Im sure all that was stated in the neutral feedback. As a buyer I greatly appreciate feedback like this and I can decide for myself if I would want to buy from this person. If I would, I would email the person before buying and ask any questions I would have.

What if the OP had also purchased eggs from another buyer, asked for express, received the eggs with Express mail and they were fine. Should she give both sellers a positive, even tho one did exactly as she asked and one did not? The whole point of a neutral is to show that the transaction was neither positive nor negative. And the description stated what happened.
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yes I would want to know.
But As I said, I read peoples feedback, not just look at the score as that doesnt tell you much.
The potential comment I list above, "I" felt was more diserving?
Maybe that's just me, I am both a seller and a buyer.
I have bought tons of eggs that were tossed out from shipping damage, yet I have only ever left 2 negative feedbacks out of hundreds.
I do agree that they did not act professionally in their not useing express mail, and I hate when I get shipped eggs packed in the manner you discribed, BUT did you ask them HOW they pack their eggs BEFORE you bid. If not, then you cant really hold them liable for that. If folks told them that was a good way to ship (as many sellers ship that way) then they thought they were doing right by you. There are just as many "right " ways to ship eggs as there are opinions of what was "right" here.
But as you said, whats done is done, and we are just spliting hairs here. There seem to be good arguments for both sides here.
But anytime a seller trys to work with you, try to work with them too.
Good luck on your next bid, I'd ask questions to the seller first as it's a new seller you say?
Dont want to repeat this again right?
Honestly, I really don't care about the specifics of the mistake they made since they offered a refund - as far as I'm concerned THAT is a positive outcome and a great seller. I wouldn't hesitate to buy from someone like that - making it right is all anyone can ask.

I think it would be completely fair to leave a positive with the comment "eggs were packed poorly and shipped incorrectly, but seller refunded my money". That's honest and would let buyers know the trouble you had.

I would have left a neutral positive. I.e positive, but something to the effect of. "Requested & paid for express shipping, got priority, packaging left something to be desired, low fertility, BUT seller gave a complete refund."

IMO, she went above and beyond offering you a refund based on fertility issues on shipped eggs. Shipped eggs are always a gamble. She owes you nothing, really for the low fertility b/c ANYTHING could have happened, but a lot (inc. myself) would have offered a refund or another batch of eggs. (I prob. would have done a refund simply b/c if it was shipping issues and it goes through the same P.O's again, same weather, etc., it could likely happen again and it'd be an endless cycle of sending replacement batches, costing me (the seller) a lot out of pocket in shipping.)

I do agree in this case a refund was warranted simply b/c she said she'd ship express for you, you paid for it and she didn't. In this case, it possibly effected the eggs due to the cold, etc.
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I think you did just right. I feel this way because of the express shipping. You did not get what you paid for. If one of my customers was to ask for express and I did not send it that way, then they should give me a neutral or neg. If I make a mistake my feeling is that the buyer is right and I will always do right by them. I would most definitely refund their money without asking. It would be my mistake. My belief is you should get what you paid for. Period.

I want to buy eggs so bad but dare not because I live in Maine and it is way too cold even with express shipping. -30 degrees here a few days ago!!!!! Today a foot of snow is expected. LOVELY!!
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What I had hoped with express shipping is that:

they would get there in two days and experience less chilling

- OR -

if they were late to arrive for some reason, the USPS would refund my shipping and the extra eggs I purchased would not cost me any more than having the original order shipped

It would have been a win-win situation - my chances for viable eggs were improved and the seller made double the money on their auction by selling twice as many eggs.

Edited for clarity
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