update mareks: hungry 4 mo old rooster cant stand up

more on the necropsy: here is an email exchange with the vet at the path lab:
Me: I understood that the rooster had encephalitis, that you were waiting for a newcastle disease test results, that there were no tumors, there was a little cocci but not an overload, and that preliminary findings would suggest mareks.

I wanted to ask if a PCR method was used, or could be used on the tissue study. I'm hoping for someway of finding a definitive answer about whether it was mareks versus presumed mareks.

Vet (who was really patient with me on the phone and I liked him):

There are a number of poultry diseases, based on clinical signs and ruling out other pathogens, along with histological lesions, that we are able to make a presumptive diagnosis of Marek's disease. I am not aware of a lab that provides PCR testing for Marek's disease as a routine and affordable diagnostic service. I will contact two additional labs to see if such tests are available.



I don't know if I want more expense - I am going to follow this plan:
1.Get turkey droppings/litter and put them into the chicken run. I've heard from a couple of people that I trust that this has been successful. THe vet said no because I could bring salmonella into the flock. I am going to try to find an NPIP flock as the source of the turkey litter, but if I can't, I'm going with turkey poop from someone in Minnesota.

I was told, but don't know if it is accurate, that the usda says not to vaccinate for mareks in backyard flocks!
Trying to decide about future flock additions. vaccinated or not?

I wanted to post this here because oftentimes I'm searching on a thread and there is no resolution - the op never comes back and tells what happened.

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