Update NEW PICS ON 10/11/09~COME LQQK -The baby is HERE - WOOO HOOO!!

I think I know this feeling !!! Just cant tell somtimes if its the baby or not !!! Must be contarctions with no pain !!!!

Somtimes its one side of my belly !!!

trust me when its real labor you will know it . Once they start could be kinda spaced out . 20 minutes apart , down to 15 , then 10 , could jump back up to 15 or 20 . then , you will see a diffenent pattern ... Closer and getting harder but they will not quit .... Do you have a hall in your home ? If so , start walking , back and forth . Keep yourself hydrated .....
I think I know this feeling !!! Just cant tell somtimes if its the baby or not !!! Must be contarctions with no pain !!!!

Somtimes its one side of my belly !!!

Yes, yes, those are BCs! Rock hard belly is your uterus warming up for the big day!

Might sound like a dumb question.... but, why might it feel like the baby pushing up ???
I think I know this feeling !!! Just cant tell somtimes if its the baby or not !!! Must be contarctions with no pain !!!!

Somtimes its one side of my belly !!!

trust me when its real labor you will know it . Once they start could be kinda spaced out . 20 minutes apart , down to 15 , then 10 , could jump back up to 15 or 20 . then , you will see a diffenent pattern ... Closer and getting harder but they will not quit .... Do you have a hall in your home ? If so , start walking , back and forth . Keep yourself hydrated .....


Just dont want to miss labor, LOL !!!
Yes, yes, those are BHCs! Rock hard belly is your uterus warming up for the big day!

Might sound like a dumb question.... but, why might it feel like the baby pushing up ???

Maybe the baby is stretching during one - ??
Yes, yes, those are BCs! Rock hard belly is your uterus warming up for the big day!

Might sound like a dumb question.... but, why might it feel like the baby pushing up ???

NO question is a dumb question . Everybody has a 1st. time at something . this is your 1st. time and even with my 3rd. I still had questions . PRESSURE AND TRYING to proper position himself lower and lower .... What you are feeling is his butt or feet LOL LOOK OUT WORLD , here I come . LOL
I think I know this feeling !!! Just cant tell somtimes if its the baby or not !!! Must be contarctions with no pain !!!!

Somtimes its one side of my belly !!!

Oh yeah... those are Braxton Hicks. For me, it feels like I'm being squeezed to death. I have to really concentrate to breathe. Then the squeezing feeling goes down my body, like I'm a tube of toothpaste. Really weird. They are waking me up at night now. I don't wake up for ANYTHING.
At first I thought it was just him stretching because my belly will be hard as a rock, sometimes on one side, sometimes coming out a few sides. Not so. Now I know the difference between him stretching (slight annoyance) and a BH contraction (pain).
I think I know this feeling !!! Just cant tell somtimes if its the baby or not !!! Must be contarctions with no pain !!!!

Somtimes its one side of my belly !!!

Oh yeah... those are Braxton Hicks. For me, it feels like I'm being squeezed to death. I have to really concentrate to breathe. Then the squeezing feeling goes down my body, like I'm a tube of toothpaste. Really weird. They are waking me up at night now. I don't wake up for ANYTHING.
At first I thought it was just him stretching because my belly will be hard as a rock, sometimes on one side, sometimes coming out a few sides. Not so. Now I know the difference between him stretching (slight annoyance) and a BH contraction (pain).

Thanks for sharing !!! I'm pretty sure after hearing all this that I have had them !!!! INTERESTING !!!!

BTW: Not sure if this was asked (if it was I missed it,sorry) are you having a boy/girl??

I thought the same thing- this is a piece of cake, piece of pie. Strolling the halls on the L&D all well and good.

Then, all of a sudden the real stuff hit- believe me you will know it! But alot of the work had already been done - started pushing out came baby very quickly.
you have a speedy, safe delivery and a healthy baby.

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