Update NEW PICS ON 10/11/09~COME LQQK -The baby is HERE - WOOO HOOO!!

She sounds pretty calm to me , but as the old saying goes , and ounce of prevention is wotth a lb. of cure

I didn't say she wasn't calm. Did I?

Too many folks here posting HORROR stories, and stories of DOOM and how HORRIBLY they suffered, that is NOT fair to the OP at all, folks who want to do that need to just MOVE along. Trying possibly to get sympathy for their own little story which is probably so old it doens't count, medicine etc. has come a very very long way in the last 10 years.

Everyone has their own personal experience, posting negative ones here is making someone else possibly stress out etc...
VERY unfair. Go start your own thread if you have some horrible tale to tell.

I hope people are not EMAILING and PM'ing those stories.
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She sounds pretty calm to me , but as the old saying goes , and ounce of prevention is wotth a lb. of cure

I didn't say she wasn't calm. Did I?

Too many folks here posting HORROR stories, and stories of DOOM and how HORRIBLY they suffered, that is NOT fair to the OP at all, folks who want to do that need to just MOVE along.

Everyone has their own personal experience, posting negative ones here is making someone else possibly stress out etc...
VERY unfair.

I hope people are not EMAILING and PM'ing those stories.

NO , she is asking " friend's " for opinions and that is what she is getting .
I didn't say she wasn't calm. Did I?

Too many folks here posting HORROR stories, and stories of DOOM and how HORRIBLY they suffered, that is NOT fair to the OP at all, folks who want to do that need to just MOVE along.

Everyone has their own personal experience, posting negative ones here is making someone else possibly stress out etc...
VERY unfair.

I hope people are not EMAILING and PM'ing those stories.

NO , she is asking " friend's " for opinions and that is what she is getting .

Opinions from someone who gave birth 30 years ago? by c-section only? Or do you have a medical degree?
Some kind of friend trying to scare the pants off the poor girl. who needs enemies?
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NO , she is asking " friend's " for opinions and that is what she is getting .

Opinions from someone who gave birth 30 years ago? by c-section only? Or do you have a medical degree?

and your point is ? I might not have a medical degree , but I do know what I am talking about . Which everyone seems to be in agreement with .

If she is continuing to leak , or even small amounts of gushing , she needs to consult her dr. Which several have advised her to do so .

please , lets not have " her thread " closed over this conversation .
Hey guys...let's play nice. We don't want to get her thread shut down on her.

I'm sending lots of good, healthy, happy delivery vibes your way sweetie!
Cajunfizz - my point was made.


and I might of had 3 children by c-section ( which was medically needed ) but I also have 8 grand children and 3 great grand children and more than enough experience .


BTW : It has not been 30 years plus since I had a baby .

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