Update NEW PICS ON 10/11/09~COME LQQK -The baby is HERE - WOOO HOOO!!

We'll be waiting to hear from you.....I feel kind of like I'm having another grandbaby!!
Ok here's the update I just got off the phone with the doc.....

I told him I felt like I was leaking.... He asked are you having any contractions ? My answer was a few but nothing that I could time (thats assuming the tight pain I feel in my area are contractions)

He then asked how my step B test came back (have you all heard of that test ?? if its + you have to go on an IV when your water breaks, the give you anti's) Anyway..... Im - so I told him.

He told me to call the office in the morning at 8:30 if I dont start having contractions tonight and he would check me out !!

And if I go in to labor tonight to go to the hospital, DUH... I knew that one... LOL !!!

I told him on Monday I was checked and I was 3cm and 90% thinned, he told me to sleep well tonight and then he laughted !!

I feel much better now that I called, not that it helped know if it was my water or pee (sounds so wrong to be talking about, LOL)

Thanks everyone for helping me !! Hope I'm not driving you all nuts !!!
Wow, that's exciting! Maybe he wants you to get lots of sleep because he thinks you'll be in tomorrow. Then again maybe I'm thinking to much into it.
He then asked how my step B test came back (have you all heard of that test ?? if its + you have to go on an IV when your water breaks, the give you anti's) Anyway..... Im - so I told him.

I just had that test a couple of days ago!
I'm glad you called your doctor so he has an idea of what's going on. Don't you feel much better? I know there is a lot of advice and a lot of stories coming your way right now, but just remember that what your doctor and your instincts tell you is the most important!
HUGS and good luck!​
No sweetie .... Only trying to be a friend to someone that is asking good questions and be here for you . Good luck

I just had that test a couple of days ago!
I'm glad you called your doctor so he has an idea of what's going on. Don't you feel much better? I know there is a lot of advice and a lot of stories coming your way right now, but just remember that what your doctor and your instincts tell you is the most important!
HUGS and good luck!

I do, I feel like 10000 pounds lifted off of me... Thanks for the hugs !!!

At least I'll get to watch Greys tonight, LOL !!!
Wow, I just saw your due date. I bet your husband is really hoping the baby comes early. Otherwise you'll be in the hospital during the super bowl.

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