Update NEW PICS ON 10/11/09~COME LQQK -The baby is HERE - WOOO HOOO!!

LOL, Thank god he's NOT a football fan

The doc said Monday I wouldnt make it till then !!

BTW- Your baby is very cute
Yes, Saturday the 17th.... Wouldnt that be funny if that was what he was really waiting for ??
Happy Birthday.

My youngest was born on my Mom's birthday. It's kind of neat. Her original due date would have put her due at the time of Kute Kitten's birthday. Then they upped the due date and that put it by my birthday. She decided she was coming early and made it on Grandma's birthday.
That's funny...the same daughter that is going to be 4 one Sat. was born the day before my MIL's b'day! And our son was born the day before my hubby's
I just had that test a couple of days ago!
I'm glad you called your doctor so he has an idea of what's going on. Don't you feel much better? I know there is a lot of advice and a lot of stories coming your way right now, but just remember that what your doctor and your instincts tell you is the most important!
HUGS and good luck!

I do, I feel like 10000 pounds lifted off of me... Thanks for the hugs !!!

At least I'll get to watch Greys tonight, LOL !!!

You know... I'm all bent about my kid possibly coming on LOST night! Good thing I have TiVo.

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