Update NEW PICS ON 10/11/09~COME LQQK -The baby is HERE - WOOO HOOO!!

Happy birthday to you and soon to Aiden !! lol
Im still here

And when I plan on going to the hospital to have baby I will make sure I come on real quick and let everyone know !!!

It might look like this... gjfskren fneklsm djfgmer But you'll know what I mean

Bad News: Im getting a chest cold
(3rd one this year) Woke up this morning feeling real crapy !!!! Think I should go to the ER and get some anti's ?? Monday is a holiday so I wont be able to see my doc till Tue, and was thinking that MIGHT be to late. And the last thing I want to do is go into labor sick.... But then again I think its soooo dumb to go to the ER over a cold !! What do you guys think ??

Thanks everyone for the b-day wishes..... I'm OLD now (closer to 30 than 20) !!!!
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Antibiotics won't help a cold. Antibiotics work against bacteria not cold viruses.

Are you able to take a deep breath? Are you running a fever? Do you have high blood pressure?

You should definitely call your OB.
I can still take deep breaths, but its starting to hurt when I do !!! dont think I have a temp (I dont usally get them even when im real sick) No high blood pressure.

They put me on amoicellen (sp? sorry) the last 2 times and it helps right away I just seem to get sick again about a week after I'm done taking them
My poor OB this will be the second day I have called him, I feel bad I keep bugging him !!
I can still take deep breaths, but its starting to hurt when I do !!! dont think I have a temp (I dont usally get them even when im real sick) No high blood pressure.

They put me on amoicellen (sp? sorry) the last 2 times and it helps right away I just seem to get sick again about a week after I'm done taking them
My poor OB this will be the second day I have called him, I feel bad I keep bugging him !!

I PM'd you
I'd just call the docs office and ask-even if they're not open they should put you through to a doc. Your OB has actually been really patient letting you stay at home through all of this-many would have rushed you to the hospital and began with the pitocin. If I were you, I'd stay away from the ER-they may push you right into L&D before you are really ready.
You changed them all again

I like Aiden you should keep it !!!!!

I didn't realize how popular it was! But, I love that name!! lol

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