Update NEW PICS ON 10/11/09~COME LQQK -The baby is HERE - WOOO HOOO!!


finally found something harder to do that waiting on chicks to hatch--waiting for this baby to come!

Guess no news is good news!
I'm back..... And feel like crap !!!! Going to bed soon !!!!

The ER gave me Amocillen (sp?) and I have an inhaler here from last time I had this so I'll use that also, I really cant belive this !!!

Hope I'm feeling better soon cause this is CRAZY !!!! Not a good time !!!!

Got 4 1/2 hours till my b-day is over, baby better hurry if he's going to be my b-day baby !!!

Thanks everyone for helping me out

Will keep yah updated if anything happens !!!!

Time for bed, Need lots of sleep...... night
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I hope the rest of your day was ok.

My midwife told me once that women VERY seldom go into labor when they're sick, the body will hold off for a while. I really hope you're better soon!

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