Update NEW PICS ON 10/11/09~COME LQQK -The baby is HERE - WOOO HOOO!!

One thing with back labor is DO NOT SIT ON YOUR BOOTY!!! I could not even lay down with my second one, any pressure at all made it worse!! You could try the warm bath thing, though if your water has broken (?) that's not an option. Walk, walk, walk. It will make the pain less intense, and speed up delivery. Also squatting will help, and having your lower back rubbed, though that never worked for me. You could always go to the hospital and get an epidural

What she said! Well... minus the epidural part.
I don't ever recommend anything but going it all natural, but if that's not a decision you make before hand, and really prepare yourself for it, it doesn't usually happen, unless by accident like with a super quick labor. If you do decide to have an epidural, don't let any one talk you out of it. YOUR body, YOUR baby, YOUR labor, YOU get to decide.

One position that was helpful for me with back labor was on my hands and knees. My arms got tired quick (on accounta the giant whale of a pregnant lady they were trying to support) so leaning on the couch or an ottoman was really effective too. Seemed to help to let my belly just kinda 'hang'...

Still sending warm and relaxing thoughts your way!

Anyone else still lurking on this thread? I can't go to bed!!!
I'm still here, but I think swtangel left us!

And for the record, I don't believe in epidurals, it's just that it seems like most people nowadays get them. I am pretty sure they do them around 4 cm, so if she is planning on, or thinking of, getting one, now would be a good time. Though it doesn't sound like it!

I have had 3 sons, and one was totally natural. The first was induced, and they gave me a pain shot (what a joke!). My third was natural, and by far the most not-by-the-book labor I have had! I did have a pain shot with him as well, but I was almost delivering. I'm surprised they did it then, since they wouldn't with my 2nd that late in the labor. I guess it's the times, they really care about pain levels now.

I hope she went to the hospital, she did say she would let us know. I hope it's not too much longer, I have to get up in 5 hours!
I am still here also!!

Although I have to admit that sending an email to my BYC friends would NOT be the first thing that I would of thought of doing before going to the hospital!!! (Of course in 1981 there was NO SUCH thing as the internet!!!! LOL

Good , Calm thoughts coming to you!!

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Ok guys, Going to the hospital.... Cant deal with it anymore so I called and they said come in the will check me !!!

Will text message lurky if I dont come back with info !!!

Thanks again guys

Yes , my daughter went from 6 cm'ers to pushing in less than 30 minutes . Some women go alot quicker than others . PLUS , that epidural awaits you at the hospital .

20 minutes away from hospital ? I would be heading there soon .

Good luck

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