Update NEW PICS ON 10/11/09~COME LQQK -The baby is HERE - WOOO HOOO!!

I'm sorry
I dont want anyone to think i am slacking. Its been so long i thought i should at least say i really dont know anything
I keep checking to see if she posted an update herself, and then i am afraid someone saw me logged on and OMG this is alot of pressure

I can imagine. Start sending her txts every few moments to see what's up..
Agreed about the plug. It can regenerate as well. It's the amniotic fluid/bag of water that they put a watch on you once it breaks.

I sincerely hope she's holding him by now. I'm sure she either is and just so caught up in it OR got sent back home and is just not feeling good/happy/up to posting.

I hope it's the earlier one!

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