Update NEW PICS ON 10/11/09~COME LQQK -The baby is HERE - WOOO HOOO!!

Hey, by the time we get an update, I might be a grandma (and my oldest is only 3!).
Yep-at home and in water

I'm thinking of this mama-I hope all is well with her and the baby.

My midwives actually recommended that we wait a day or two to tell anyone-including parents! We waited about 12+ hours.

xapikleia-what other board are you talking about??
This is me.
I need NEWS.

Until then... this will be me.

And in the morning... this will be me.

Goodnight all.

If there's any news...text and wake me up. Some of you have my number. If not...FIND SOMEONE ON THIS FORUM WHO HAS MY NUMBER.

I'm antsy.
Yep-at home and in water

I'm thinking of this mama-I hope all is well with her and the baby.

My midwives actually recommended that we wait a day or two to tell anyone-including parents! We waited about 12+ hours.

xapikleia-what other board are you talking about??

I'm talking about Christian Moms Forum.
I suppose that I also left my Due Date Club hanging on Mothering Dot Commune.

My first was a waterbirth, in a free-standing birth center (which may as well have been a homebirth). My second was at home, and was supposed to be a waterbirth, but we had a glitch. My thermometer wasn't working, and neither was my mw's; it was really cold in my house (the heat wasn't working, and it is even cold in California on Thanksgiving [yes, it was Turkey Day!]), so she didn't trust testing it with her finger. We sent my mom to the store to buy a new one, but DS started coming while she was gone, so we called her to come back (she missed DS1's birth by 90 seconds, stuck at a red light, so we didn't want her to miss another birth!). It was wild!

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