Update NEW PICS ON 10/11/09~COME LQQK -The baby is HERE - WOOO HOOO!!

Is the pump thingy called a wound vac? If so you may want to stay with the wound packing. DH had the pump and it is VERY painful to have changed. No one at the doctors office knew how bad the pain would be. He was frist one the doctor used it on. Am by NO way trying to scare you DH justed want you know so you would be ready for the frist foam change.
I wish you a speedy recovery
I'm so happy to see that you've checked in! It sounds like this has been quite the ordeal and a long road that you've had to travel so far.

Sending you lots of hugs and will continue to pray for your recovery.
I'm sorry you have to deal with all this. At least you have a sweet little guy to show for your troubles. Congratulations!! (don't forget to take lots of pics... they grow and change in the blink of an eye!)
Wow! I'm soooo glad your OK!
And I'm happy that your new baby is doing good, too.

I am praying that you get better really SOON and things get better so you and your husband can enjoy your new bundle of joy!

And don't feel sorry for not answering this thread for a while; just focus on getting all better.

Good luck and CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I also have a picc line IV in my arm so I can give myself anti's at home (had to get this so I could come home) A picc line IV is an IV that can stay in your body for up to a year it has a line that runs right into a major vein near your heart..

My mother is an IV transfusion nurse and she puts in pic lines in for a living.

I'm so glad to hear that you and baby are doing better, and I hope you have a speedy recovery!​
I'm so glad to hear that you're getting better, and that little baby Aiden is doing well. You gave us quite a scare! keep us updated when you can, I'm praying for you!

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