Update on Faith & Sunshine - update post #55... Phoenix is gone :((

I wish I knew her age... I'm just guessing here, as she (he??) is still peeping and really not big at all...

If Faith turns out to be a roo I will actually be thrilled, then I have a pair of EE's and can hopefully hatch babies at some point!

But more importantly, I want this little baby to get well, to grow big and healthy.

The rest doesn't matter to me.

I am praying for them hope they get big and fluffy and if they are hens they lay beautiful blue and green eggs for you.
Oh BOY!! S/he has certainly been showing vast improvement over the condition you got him/her in! Testament to the great care you're giving these poor deprived little babies!

I've been thinking about what you said Technodoll, and the conditions of this persons facility. You mentioned that they're well over an hour away from your home? Too bad. If conditions are as bad as they sound like they may be, it would be nice if you could document some of the more deplorable conditions on the sly, and report him to the authorities. NO chickens at a breeding facility should be expected to endure such harsh treatment! From your pictures and what you've described Technodoll, I can't help but believe these darling little girls came from a wretched place. I'm so glad that you took them under your wing and gave them a brighter future than what they faced at their former home!

I could so easily get up on my soapbox right about now about fidiots and their complete lack of respect for other living things!
Now there's a new word I like... fidiots

The animal protection laws here in my province are non-existent, reporting him would do nothing at all.

If the animals are fed and have shelter, no matter how terrible the conditions of the food and shelter are, nobody will do anything at all. You can keep your dog tied to a stake in your yard for 365 days a year, if he has access to a dog house and food (even if it's rotten meat), the "authorities" won''t do a thing

Puppy mills are rampant here, people abandon their pets regularly on moving day, the shelters are overflowing and the list goes on.

I hate people

Faith turned out to be a boy and was renamed Phoenix, he's been back in the house for about 10 days now... found out last week that he was severely infested with roundworms, weak and malnourished - poor baby

He's been dewormed and is doing much better now but still has a long way to go before he can rejoin the coop. His feathers are growing in, he's on poly-vi-sol with chick crumbles and scrambled eggs with olive oil and cottage cheese - he's getting his strength back but is still weak and covered in dandruff. He sleeps a lot, I hope he gains some much-needed weight now.

Sweet as marshmallow though

Sunshine came back into the house today, her lungs are full of fluid - she coughs wetly and gurgles when she tries to peep. I guess her immune system was compromised when we got her 5 weeks ago, after the lice cleared up she seemed ok for a while but the freezing humid weather pushed her over the edge. She's also been dewormed so it's a lot at the same time.

She's on antibiotics for the next 5 to 10 days now, hope she gets better now that she doesn't have to fight to keep warm all the time.

I have almost as many chickens in the house than in the coop now

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