Update on Pumpkinpups Mother /UPDATE POST #20


It's All About Chicken Math
12 Years
Apr 29, 2007
UPDATE: I just received a text from Robin, her mother just passed away a few minutes ago. She is ok. She will let me know the arrangements and I will pass them on. Thanks everyone for the prayers, I know they mean a lot to her.

I spoke to Robin yesterday for the first time in a couple of weeks. Things are not good, her mother is in the last stages of the cancer now and Hospice is coming in.

Many, think I am a horrible friend for not hovering, but Robin and I have talked about this and I am doing what she has asked, I have stepped back, if she needs me, she calls.

I am asking any and all who read this and pray to please do that. Robin has accepted this, but this does not mean it will be easy. Her Dad needs to have prayers that he CAN accept this and find Peace, he has already stated that he is not ready to let her go.

I have gone through cancer with 2 Uncles, I know how difficult the last stages can be, I also know that no one human can force anyone to accept the end.

They are giving her mother Pain Meds and Robin says she seems relatively pain free, this in it self is a blessing.

So, please continue to pray for Robin and her family. I will update if I find out anything else.UPDAT
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You are doing the right thing,. My father spent his last 2 months in my home and died here,. I wanted every minute with him I could get,.. without hovering friends,. it was a blessing that my friends helped when I called and then left us alone. Only God could prepare our hearts, and He did....it's a very personal thing. I will be in prayer for Robin and her family. Thanks for posting the update,.
Please do not mis-understand, no one on this forum has said that, someone locally. Of course that person is not happy unless they are in the middle of everything going on and drama surrounds them.

I fully understand that I am doing the best thing I can, I went through this myself with 2 uncles that I was very close to all of my life.

I appreciate the prayers and I know that Robin does too.
Being a female , of course my instinct is to nurture. So, that being said my stepping back has been hard on me. I want to help my friend, hug her, give her support. This has been less than easy for me, but it is the right thing to do, so I am doing it.

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