Update - polish roo traded for silkie hen


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 18, 2010
I purchased a polish pullet from a local farm. Punky is supposed to be from a 4/5/10 hatch and has remained much smaller than her similarly aged cousins the Americaunas, Rocks and Rhode Islands. I was holding out that she might be a banty, but now am concerned that she isn't a she at all. Punky is a non-bearded white crested blue polish. With the extent of the waddle and comb growth at this age, what are your thoughts? My first time with chickens, and Roos are illegal in my town, so I really shouldn't wait for that first morning crow


Anyone have a pic of a similar breed at a similar age so I can compare? Thank you!
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it has pointy hat feathers also..I think 100% roo. I have 3 month old white crested black polish and my 2 roos looked like that also. The hens have rounded ends of feathers on their heads.
Growl. *sigh* Well, looks like Punkster is going with me to the Poultry Farmers Market in Chehailis this weekend. Hopefully I can give him away, and maybe get a second female Cayuga to join my pair... Too bad I can't silence a roo - Punk is a cool member of the flock.
Honestly, I'd wait until you hear a crow or see an egg. Actually, I have a buff laced Polish hen with a funky crest who crows! Lays eggs, though! And my WCB Polish bantam hen developed red wattles early. Polish can be so tough to sex unless it's blatantly obvious one way or the other. I think yours can go either way and it's too early to jump to conclusions. That's a very pretty bird to be giving away before you know for certain!
So I held out, but its definitely a roo. Caught the precocious bugger trying to mount my D'anvers this morning. *sigh* feel like its too late to start over with a chick, so I guess I'll take him to the bird swap/market in chehalis on sunday and see if I can trade for a hen or some quail... or at least find him a non-freezer home
So I took my Pol Roo back to the farm and brought home his replacement - a Buff silkie hen. She's so cute! I had no idea that her skin and feet would be dark blue and that her waddles and lobes would be iridescence blue? Is that normal? It's certainly pretty. Its like she's wearing opal earrings

So silkie peeps - is she young, a cross or just not up to standard? I notice that silkies tend to have puffy heads too. She was touted as last years hatch, and she bocs rather than peeps, but I am confused to her lack of mop.

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