UPDATE! Sad News!

Oh I want some milles next-is he on here?

Yes he is on the board but I think you have to get his eggs from eggbid.com auctions. He only sells a very small number and that is the only way to get them as far as I know. Just watch eggbid or send him a PM and see what he says. Mr. Phillips is very nice. His user name is tate.
Well, I candled the eggs last night (only day 4, I know I am obsessive) Could not see anything in the araucana eggs of course but I candled about 6 of the bantam barred rocks and all had veins, yippee. Thanks Silkieluvr.

I am so excited. Can't wait for them to hatch.

I am really trying to wait until day 6-7 to candle. I have never done it before, and I have ameraucana and brown eggs. I just want to make sure there will be lots of veins to see.

p.s. I like the idea of having a thread where we are all on the same day of the incubating process.
Brown and green eggs aren't easy to candle. I could tell a definite difference in what I could see compared to the cream & white eggs I have.

I like that we're all in the same boat as newbie hatchers or early hatchers. But also sad because my hatch-buddy can't see anything in her eggs but blobs. Probably shipping trauma.
So I'm glad I found this thread to compare notes with, but it is bittersweet.
That's sad-my ameraucana eggs were shipped too, but I searched for some other eggs to throw in with them in case they had shipping trauma and didn't hatch. I just didn't want to rely only on them, you know? The others are not purebred though, so I'm not as excited to have them as I am the ameraucanas. I did find a local source for nice bantam eggs(after I already put the barnyard mutts in) if this hatch doesn't work out. I also may just buy some chicks-I really want a mille fleur, and can't seem to find a semi-local source for eggs.
I am trying not to candle until tomorrow but I dont think I can wait? - I'm actually staying away from my own home this week by camping 20 miles away - I have no self discipline, so this way I keep my hands off of the bator - I just come home for chores once or twice a day (to visit my pets) - no Wifi at our campground though, so I check in here for a bit and then have to leave
Hope everyone is having good luck - Since I expect to have shipping trauma too, many of the eggs in one of my shipped boxes were broken, the other box looked like an accordian, but the eggs were not broken.... I'm anxious to see if anything is developing! Hopefully at least my own Cuckoo Marans are perking, but I REALLY wanted the Jersey Giants and Standard Cochins, oh and the Black Australorp, and...oh rats, I want them all to hatch!
DD & I candled last night. We're thrilled. All our eggs were shipped and we have 18 out of 44 clearly veining, and one with teeny chick already inside! Another 6 look like they have good air cells but we didn't see veins.
18 looked iffy, couldn't see anything and the air cel was either tiny or couldn't be found. Left them in there in case it was our newness and not the eggs. 9 of the 18 were Ameracauna eggs and very dark, so it could be that we just couldn't see what was going on inside them.

My daughter was amazed as we wrote down the results, and told me she felt like a real scientist. We put the results into an Excel spreadsheet.
She was ready to crack open a couple of the iffy ones to see what was inside. We'll do that next week, out on the porch!

We're way too excited now. And kinda bummed because most of the iffy ones are the ones we were excited about.

DH is bummed, because now he knows we're already planning to do this again
I candled last night and sadly threw six out right off the bat, all had blood rings. I could only see about three with veins and an eye. The rest are very iffy with sloshy aircells and I couldn't see any veins. Very disappointing.

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